ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF ENLIGHTENMENT IDEAS Centralization of power & uniformity of law Emphasized military strength Secular in basis, promotion of religious toleration Rationalizing & reforming Aimed at strengthening state, justified as beneficial to all, & reducing local authority
ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM AUSTRIA: MARIA THERESA & JOSEPH II MARIA THERESA (r. 1740-1780) Strengthened central power of crown Limited autonomy of regions Aimed at making govt. more efficient Limited burden on peasants, reduced ROBOT Main concern = healthy pool of military recruits
ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM AUSTRIA: MARIA THERESA & JOSEPH II JOSEPH II (r. 1765-1790) Continued strengthening central authority Asserted royal authority over church Promoted religious toleration Tried to improve economic conditions
ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM AUSTRIA: MARIA THERESA & JOSEPH II JOSEPH II (r. 1765-1790) Reformed judicial system & rationalized laws Enacted far-reaching reforms of rural social structure Abolished serfdom & robot
ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM PRUSSIA: FREDERICK II , THE GREAT (r. 1740-1786) Great admirer of philosophes & their ideas Codified laws & made legal system more efficient Promoted religious freedom & toleration Extended rudimentary education to all
ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM PRUSSIA: FREDERICH II, THE GREAT (r. 1740-1786) No changes to social hierarchy No limitations on JUNKERS’ (nobles’) power State continued to be dominated by military Economy highly centralized
ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM RUSSIA: CATHERINE II, THE GREAT (r. 17462-1796) Admired enlightenment thought Based legal reform on Montesquieu’s Spirit of the Laws Granted limited religious toleration Allowed limited social criticism Expanded education & encouraged scholarship
ENLIGHTENED ABSOLUTISM RUSSIA: CATHERINE II, THE GREAT (r. 17462-1796) But her liberalism was limited Upheld institutions of serfdom & autocracy Restricted Jews to living in PALE OF SETTLEMENT Became increasingly conservative Stopped Polish reforms & crushed insurrection