More ArcView RD 415 September 19, 2001
Four Themes Click on the legend for Proposed Sites (raising it) if necessary to make it the active theme.
Find Select Feature Once selected, the fill of Site #4 will turn yellow
Make sure Current Zoning is active (the legend is raised) in the Table of Contents
Clear Selected Features
Double click Color Palette Change to 2 Fill Palette
Open Theme Table
All of Mason The sliver of Mason within 500 m of Site #4 Even though only a portion of Mason is within the buffer, the area and perimeter displayed are equal to those for all of Mason
Tells you what Calcapl.ave does
All of Mason The sliver of Mason within 500 m of Site #4 The Area and Perimeter are now correct for both tables.
Residential = 1,008,056 Agricultural = 13,379,652
Things you could do Make a buffer theme for each site so that you can look at land use around each one individually. Make multiple buffers (step 2 of the buffer wizard choose create multiple rings) at different distances for different impacts. Use theme-on-theme selection with individual buffer themes to see number of properties within a certain proximity.