Monotremes Marsupials Afrotheria Xenarthra Laurasiatheria (Chiropterans, Carnivores Perissodactya Cetiartiodactyla Eulipotyphla (Soricids, talpids, Solenodons) Euarchontoglires Scandentia, dermoptera, primates, lagomorphs, rodents Bininda-Emonds et al 2007
Cretaceous mammals weren’t all small! Repenomamus (Li and Wang 2000) 1 meter long ate small dinos
The Grande Coupure (Eocene-Oligocene “Big Break”) Before After Perrisodactyls PaleotheridaeRhinocerotidae ArtodactylsAnaplotheridaeEntelodontidae PrimatesAdapidae None? RodentsProtosciuridaeCricetidae, Castoridae Eulipotyphlans None?Erinaceidae
Body mass # mammal species # new/species # extinctions
So what does this new study really show?
28/17 See Fig /4 42/0 52/18 50/19 37/2