Ship Design
Ship Life Cycle Definition of Requirement Determination of Data and Constraints Concept Design Preliminary Design Contract Design Detail Design Production Tests and Trials Service Scrapping
Design Spiral Length Breadth Depth Draught Form Power Area Weight Definition of Requirements Length Breadth Depth Draught Form Power Area Weight Displacement General Arrangement Range Seakeeping Manouvrability Strength Economic Analysis Constraints (Design) (Design Process) COnstraints (Design Environment) Next Design Step Choice Empirical Calculations Selection Machinery Ship Type Area/ Weather Deck Calculationsr Preliminary Control Longitudinal Life
Design Through Selection
Basic Ship Types Weight Critical Ships Volume Critical Ships Unit Cargo Ships
The Weight Equations (1) s : displacement due to shell, appendages L: LBP or LWL B: Breadth T: Draught
The Weight Equations (2)
DW/D Ratio
DW/D Ratio
Length Beam Relation
Ship Length
Critical Factors Effecting Ship Length Construction limitations of the shipyard (Length of slipway, port limitations, canal limitations etc) Structural-Regulative limitations (number of bulkheads, Interference of bow waves and stern waves L/D limitations of class societies
Breadth Resistance (L/B) considerations suggests minimum breadth Stability (B/T, B/D) considerations suggests maximum breadth
Length-Breadth Relation
Length-Breadth Relation
Beam-Depth Relation
Beam-Draught Relation
Draught-Depth Relation
Length-Depth Relation
Block Coefficient (CB) Alexander Formula K varies between 1.03 for high speed ships to 1.12 for slow ships Lf : Ship length in feet Vk : Ship speed in knots
Block Coefficient (CB)
Hull Weight (WH)
Outfit Weight (WH)
Outfit Weight (WO)
Main Engine Weight
Main Engine Weight
Remainder Machinery Weight
Total MachineryWeight for Diesel-Electric Ships
Scrap Weight
Nmber of Containers