Irradiation Sample Transfer Line Snubbing Section Behavior Greg Padilla and Keane Nishimoto
Introduction Background The MIT reactor and Transfer Line Motivation Safety measure in case of Transfer Line failure Desired Findings Model to help design snubbing section
Procedure Apparatus Experimental Procedure Data Processing
Apparatus Smooth Section W/ Bend First Sensor Snubbing Section Pressure Sensor Second Sensor Transfer Cylinder Transfer line
Experimental Procedure Calibration of pressure sensor Drops at 4 heights for each of 3 different masses Data Recorded
Data Processing Calibration data Capsule velocity calculated Pressure calculations
Typical Data from Drop Test Data taken form container mass = 0.7kg Height = 42” inches
Data Trigger Trace from first sensor Trace from second sensor Trace from Pressure sensor
Theoretical Analysis Model of the falling capsule Transfer Line Snubbing Section MATLAB Simulation
Transfer Line Model The capsule is a falling object
Snubbing Section Model Force due to gravity Force due to pressure Ideal Gas Law – PV=mRT Navier Stokes Used to determine the mass of air left
MATLAB simulation ODE 23 solver State Variables Position and velocity of capsule Mass of air in snubbing section
Smooth Section Model Velocity is independent of Mass Velocity is a Function of Height Velocity = 1.46*Height Ave. Error of 16%
Snubbing Section Model Initial Conditions: Mass = 0.7kg Velocity = 4.0m/s Temperature = 298K
Recommendations Temp = 574K Velocity = 5.0m/s Snubbing Length =1.5m Max P=1.81kPa Snubbing Length =1.0m Max P=1.86kPa
Final Temp = 574K Velocity = 5.0m/s Snubbing Length =1.3m Max P=1.83kPa