Practical Aspects of Refereeing the Tackle Practical Aspects of Refereeing the tackle
Tackle Rugby is a physical game composed of many individual contests; tackles occur hundreds of times during a game Tackles are a prime source of turnover ball Tackles are a prime source of player frustration Players and referees often lack situational awareness Getting tackles right is the path to referee greatness!
Why is the tackle hard to referee? Tackle situation versus referee position – fitness, awareness, view Nature of the tackle – good, single, team, high, late, etc. Number and position of players involved What they do immediately after the tackle The speed at which other situations develop
Typical tackle situation
Tackle - Priorities 1.Recognition – has tackle occurred? – where are you? 2.Tackler – what positive action does he take? 3.Tackled player – what action does he take? 4.Arriving Players – joining (gate), body position, action, formation of offside lines
First Priority – Be there
Tackle made – what next?
Key Points Positive action – tackler rolls away (if he can), ball placed and available, supporting players come through the gate, stay on their feet and build platform, ball moves away quickly No interference to slow or prevent ball release Good referee communication can help – precise, pertinent, on-time instruction Failure to insist on positive play results in player frustration, slow ball, and foul play
Actions of players arriving Body positions tell a lot. No flying in!
Actions of players arriving What can turned player do? Can arriving player tear the ball away from the tackler?
Actions of players arriving Sealing? Any attempt to stay on their feet? Can tackled player play the ball?
Team Tackle
Refereeing the Gate “The Gate” exists at tackle, ruck, and maul – need to remind players! Players must enter tackle situation behind the ball Referees don’t have a meter stick, so you have to assess situation as you see it Penalize destructive entry; leave constructive play flow
Decision time Ball coming – do we play on? Fast whistle to stop pile ups – “scrum, attacking ball” Fast penalty to encourage tacklers to roll away Fast penalty to encourage tackled players to release ball
Summary Tackles are physical contests You can’t decide if you’re not there Words are important – but only if precise – “Release” – “Hands away” Know the situation – tackle, not held, maul, ruck Fast decisions help a structured game