March /18R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota QMCS 230: Today in Class Class projectsClass projects Lab 13: Use the method documentation formatLab 13: Use the method documentation format
March /18R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Class Projects Something I can ‘run’Something I can ‘run’ Does something visibleDoes something visible –Graphics and/or file processing Class definitions in multiple files (2 or more)Class definitions in multiple files (2 or more) May be solo, or teams of 2 or 3May be solo, or teams of 2 or 3 –One separate file/class per team member Project ideas?Project ideas? –Text-based game –Tax return: maybe just a simple 1040 form –A “complete” payroll implementation Correct taxes, multiple employeesCorrect taxes, multiple employees –House design/costing (extension of the rug problem)
March /18R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Did you finish Lab 13? Due ThursdayDue Thursday Be sure to use the new Method DocumentationBe sure to use the new Method Documentation
March /18R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota Method Documentation Let’s get more specificLet’s get more specific Each method starts with the followingEach method starts with the following –A block comment /** containing the following –A grammatical sentence describing what the method does. argname A description of the argument A description of the retuned data, if not void Next comes the method headingNext comes the method heading –“public static void” for plain methods –“public void” or “public type” for object methods –“public” alone for constructors
March /18R. Smith - University of St Thomas - Minnesota That’s it. Questions?Questions? Creative Commons License This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.