Alachua County Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan Alachua County Board of County Commissioners Meeting April 27, 2010
PDRP Overview Proactively developed over a one-year planning cycle by Alachua County to serve as a roadmap for redevelopment after a catastrophic event. Establishes a strategy to leverage coordination and maximize post-disaster redevelopment resources and opportunities to maintain and enhance the quality of life. Provides an overarching, interdisciplinary plan for guiding decision making for a major or catastrophic event. Paid for with State Homeland Security Grant Program Funding with in-kind service contributions for local government stakeholders.
PDRP Overview Unites growth management and emergency management principles in a single, comprehensive document. The State of Florida requires all coastal communities and encourages inland communities to develop a PDRP to reduce or eliminate the exposure of: Human life Public property Private property Collaboratively developed by County and Municipal Government departmental staff, businesses, non- governmental organizations and regional partners.
Economic Redevelopment Subcommittee Goals Develop strategies to support business community with pre-disaster business continuity and recovery planning. Identify and prioritize post-disaster business recovery resources. Support post-disaster damage and impact assessment for local businesses. Identify post-disaster funding resources. Foster the retention of the local Alachua County workforce and businesses. Coordinate disaster related information sharing with local businesses.
Environmental and Historic Property Subcommittee Goals Coordinate efforts to preserve cultural, historic and natural resources prior to a disaster. Support post-disaster damage assessment of historic, cultural and natural resources. Coordinate efforts to restore historic, cultural and natural resources after a disaster.
Government Operations Subcommittee Goals Re-establish County Government functions in County Offices as soon as possible. Establish pre-determined communications links on County websites to disseminate information to County residents. Develop and communicate protocol for providing assistance to municipalities. Prioritize the re-establishment of housing in the County to maintain the population and workforce. Determine the financial stability of the County. Re-establish and reopen educational facilities as soon as possible.
Health and Social Services Subcommittee Goals Identify available community and regional medical/health facilities and capabilities prior to a disaster. Establish procedures for post-disaster daily activities. Determine long-term needs for the proper functioning of medical/health facilities. Develop systems to work with alternative social service providers.
Housing and Structural Recovery Subcommittee Support structural repairs, licensing and permitting to expedite redevelopment. Identify short- and long-term housing availability and requirements. Support the development of ordinances, emergency orders and other means by which to expedite housing recovery.
Infrastructure and Public Facilities Subcommittee Goals Support debris management operations. Support post-disaster damage assessment. Support emergency infrastructure repairs. Support long-term infrastructure repairs and restoration. Support critical and public facility restoration.
Land Use Planning Subcommittee Goals Create and maintain data and information to support redevelopment efforts. Identify policies and best practices to support redevelopment efforts. Establish permitting criteria to support redevelopment efforts. Identify land use, siting and development practices that support proactive and effective redevelopment.
PDRP Sections No.SectionContents Existing v. New Information 1Introduction Purpose Authorities Situation Scope Planning Assumptions Plan Organization New 2Planning Process Overview Organizational Structure Meetings Public Involvement Based on process 3Implementation Plan Pre- and Post-Disaster Implementation Maintenance and Training New 4Vulnerability Assessment Population Private and Public Property Major Employers Land Use Historic Environmental Based on existing data 5Capability Assessment Planning and Regulatory Administrative and Technical Fiscal Based on existing information
PDRP Sections No.SectionContents Existing v. New Information 6Recovery and Redevelopment (R&R) Strategy Goals and Issues: Economic Redevelopment Environmental and Historic Property Governmental Operations Health and Social Services Housing and Structural Recovery Infrastructure and Public Facilities Land Use Planning Developed by PDRP Working Group (WG) 7R&R Action Plan Pre- and Post-Disaster Actions Developed by PDRP WG 8Communications Plan Information Collection and Distribution (Inter- and Intra-Governmental, General Public and Businesses) Public Participation / Citizen Input on Redevelopment Regional, State and Federal Coordination Based on CEMP procedures 9Financing Plan Revenue Sources: County State and Federal Grants and Loans Mutual Aid Donations Faith Based Organizations Based on existing resources