從生態環境談 擴張主義與人類的前途 張國龍 行政院環保署署長
講授大綱 From Homo-eructus to technologist / Time’s contraction Printing & Medicine Human populations / Extinction of species Impacts on Ecology Impacts on Environment Entropy– a measurement of order and disorder Technology enhancing polarization in wealth distribution Globalization
From Homo-eructus to technologist/ Time’s contraction Big-Bang (10 10 K 0 ) 4.6BY 1 Year Life on earth 3.0BY Homo-eructus(300K 0 ) 1.5MY 3 Hours Homo-sapiens 0.25MY Modern Man 20 ~ 25KY Agriculture(homo-s-s) 10KY 1 Min Civilization /Culture 5000Y 30 Sec Industrial revolution 250Y 1.5 Sec World War I 100Y 0.6 Sec World War II 60Y 0.3 Sec
Printings / Communications / Medicines 智識的累積 智識的傳遞 壽命的延長 資源的耗用
Human populations / Extinction of species 人口 物種滅絕 8000 B C 2× ~1950 AD 1/y 0 AD 2.5× /D 2000 AD 60 × /D
Impacts on Ecology 農業畜牧與沙漠化 建築、交通與森林 水壩 水域
Impacts on Environment 環境承載與人口 能源與全球暖化、輻射污染 戰爭與污染 生活形態與資源使用
Entropy– a measurement of order and disorder 秩序與混亂的度量 —entropy 人類的活動 —Carrying Capacity 經濟發展與 entropy 世界的機械觀 熱力學第二定律與人類未來
Technology enhancing polarization in wealth distribution Globalization enhancing depletion of resources