Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 DP DATA COORDINATOR TRAINING Session 2 Participant & Family Questionnaires: Challenges & Solutions Karen Wilde Rogers CC DP Data Coordinator
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Purpose of the session: To reinforce how to administer and submit complete forms To allow Grantees an opportunity to learn from each other by sharing challenges and solutions to issues Goals of the session: Answer questions, clarify the process, and share ideas Introduction
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Participant Questionnaire Topic Citations PBQ Knowledge Q & A Instructions Talking Points Step 2 Baseline Questionnaires
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Purpose: To assess attitudes, health behaviors, and diabetes knowledge prior to participating in the project. The PBQ is located under Step 2 of the Operations Manual Participant Baseline Questionnaire
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 PBQ Knowledge Questions & Answers Instructions Talking Points Participant Baseline Questionnaire
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Topic Citations: The participant questionnaire is broken into 10 sections: * Q 1-8 “Knowledge” * Q 9-22 “About Your Health, Family & Friends” * Q 23-25“About Your Physical Activity” * Q 26-31“About What You Eat” * Q 32-36“About Your Use of Alcohol” * Q 37-46“About Your Tobacco Use” * Q 47-56“About Your Life” * Q 57-65“About You” * Q 66-75“About Your Tribal Affiliation” * Q 76“About the Project” * Q 77-79“Community Activities” * Q 80-82“Plans For Eating Habits” * Q 83-89“Plans For Exercise/comments” Participant Baseline Questionnaire
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Purpose: To determine the family member’s opinions about the project. The FBQ is located under Step 2 of the Operations Manual Family Baseline Questionnaire
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Family Baseline Questionnaire Family Questionnaire Instructions Talking Points
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Discussion Challenges & Solutions in Administering P/F Questionnaires Grantee Panel Group Discussion
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 COB Tuesday’s Top Five List 5. Can participants doodle in the white spaces? 4. What am I suppose to submit? 3. Can alcohol questions get skipped? 2. How long can I wait to submit forms?
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 COB Tuesday’s Top Five List #1 1.What day am I suppose to submit?
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 The CGP SDPI Scanner
SPECIAL DIABETES PROGRAM FOR INDIANS Competitive Grant Program: Year 2 Meeting 2 Question & Answer