Research Institute for Health and Social Change Participation, well-being and creativity: Community Psychology Meets Participatory Arts Carolyn Kagan and Judith Sixsmith (with Amanda Kilroy, Asiya Siddiquee, Simone Bol, Simona Raschini, Rebecca Lawthom)
A community psychological approach to evaluation: Action oriented, contributing to project improvement Sensitive to diversity: inclusion and reflexivity Incorporating principles of empowerment Employing diverse methods - fit for purpose Combining stakeholder and organisational perspectives Understanding relationships between context, processes and outcomes Theoretical grounding and development Children listening and being listened to through creativity
Pathways To explore avenues of creativity within the community and show how the arts through creative activity can play an important role in mitigating against ill health To work with local people finding ways of overcoming emotional difficulties and daily stresses, enabling participants to express their individuality and share their personal journeys Photography:a tool to document participants' emotional journeys; to express feelings; a means of recording sessions that used other art forms. (picture by Brian Pollard)
Who am I? Who are you? What do I Feel? Social, cultural and role atoms based on work of J.L. Moreno, founder of psychodrama. Who am I? What am I? What influences my sense of belonging? Focuses on:
Methods: participatory action research Interviews Focus groups Reflexive diaries Questionnaires Participant observation Private written accounts Graffiti boards Creative activities Art product Creative writing Artists and researchers planning and developing shared perspectives!
Bean drawings (after Nick Duris, Arts coordinator, Christie Hospital) “I felt less stressed and more relaxed through the day”
Art products in exhibition, built a sense of pride We are who we are but who are we underneath the masks? (Ian Peter Berrett) “Being creative lets you say what you want…I’ve had therapy before, it doesn’t do anything. Getting on with people is what you need.”
People find inner resources “It makes me feel I have resources otherwise untapped” Artist: Yasmin Yacub
Self awareness and self knowledge develops Feeling my art It feels good hearted Fulfilling inside Thinking about art And when my stomach floats Nervously Or simply and more often When I am pushed With enthusiasm… “ It might be a story but it’s also me. I’m in there and I can look at myself and wee me there … and that’s what helps to make things a bit clearer, more clear on who I am really am.”
Artists reflective feedback loop Inputs: Artists Researchers Participants Context Arts processes: Arts activities With skilled facilitation to self discovery Intermediate outcomes: Self esteem and confidence; coping; motivation; ;positive outlook; participation Outcomes: Well-being Social inclusion ?Capacity building for services? Action research process and double loop learning +
Strengths of this model It includes: Organised, deep reflection by artists Gathering of information via an action research process by researchers Possibilities for double loop learning at an organisational level and thus the likelihood of project improvement It offers a systemic evaluation framework
Pressure to achieve aesthetic outcomes in time for an exhibition – whose work is it? Who controls peoples' voices – artists, researchers, participants themselves? Should group be facilitated by skilled group workers or by artists? How is meaning negotiated? Is and should the art be therapeutic? How does our own appreciation of art forms affect the research? Some dilemmas Local people, professional artists, creativity and well- being
“Arts practice creates a sacred space and time in which trust and expression and unconditional regard are fostered and continually confirmed” Margaret Hodgson: Me As A Canvas Trust and safety to reveal oneself
Different discourses reflect different values “You give me the evidence to show it works “(Health commissioner) “All art can have an impact on mental health but only if the focus is on the art itself and not on the mental well being “ (Artist)