VoIP Voice Transmission Over Data Network
What is VoIP? A method for Taking analog audio signals Turning audio signals into digital data Digital data can be transmitted over the Internet
More Definition A technology used to transmit voice conversations over a data network using IP
Brief Explanation of Voice Transmission Audio is digitizing by using sampling circuits Digital audio is compressed Therefore, voice transmission with less bandwith
Types of Voice Transmission Through data network without IP TDM, FR or ATM Directly transmission VoDSL, VoTDM, VoFR or VoATM Network dependency
Types of Voice Transmission IP Packets VoIP Independent of data network
Types of VoIP IP to IP (Computer to computer) Typically by using server-client based programs Connect to same server
Types of VoIP IP to PSTN (Computer to Phone) Need media gateway Compatible with circuit switching and packet switching
Types of VoIP PSTN to PSTN (Computer to Phone) Through internet For long distance voice transmission Decrease bandwidth cost
Circuit Switching The path is decided before data transmission Route is dedicated and exclusive
Packet Switching IP breaks data into packet Data load and IP address of source and destination Reassemble packets No predetermined path, decide own path Find its way using the info
Comparision PSTN Old and expensive Circuit dedication More reliable (Dedicated for only one session) VoIP More modern No circuit dedication Using the same path with other people at the same time Cost is shared Delay and packet loss
Codecs Stands for coder-decoder Coder converts audio signal into a compressed digital form for transmission Decoder returns back into an uncompressed audio signal for replay
Codecs Sample Sort Compress Packetize audio data
Soft Switches Translate phone numbers to IP addresses Find the current IP address of requested number Called mapping process handled by central call processor running a softswitch
Soft Switches A specialized database/mapping program Connects endpoints Include Where the endpoint is on the network What phone number is associated with that endpoint The current IP address assigned to that endpoint
Protocols To communicate efficiently between completely different pieces of software and hardware
H.323 Comprehensive and complex protocol Originally designed for video conferencing Provide specifications for Real time applications Interactive videoconferencing Data sharing Audio applications such as VoIP Not specific to VoIP
SIP(Session Initiation Protocol) Smaller, flexible and more efficient Specifically developed for initiating, building and terminating multimedia applications More suitable for VoIP
Factors that Affect Call Quality in VoIP Packet Loss For real time applications, requesting packet again is impossible. Limited packet loss is omitted.
Factors that Affect Call Quality in VoIP Latency Duration is related to connection type between source and destination To minimize, priority for VoIP packets. Coders also results in latency.
Factors that Affect Call Quality in VoIP Jitter Variation in delay times Connection state and density vary. Packet delay time change To prevent, use RTP protocol
RTP( Real-time Transport Protocol) Calculate average delay time of packet Postpone packets that comes early Try to equalize delay time
VoIP Packet Headers For real time applications, no tolerance to error check and retransmission of loss packet mechanism UDP UDP header info < TCP header info However, no packet order info on UDP Again, RTP
RTP RTP add its own header to packets RTP includes the order number of packets
VoIP Packet Coded audio (data) 20 to 150 byte IP Header (20 bytes) UDP Header (8 bytes) RTP Header (12 bytes) UDP+RTP<TCP
Advantages of VoIP Low cost for operators Low or no price for customers Flexibility Efficiency Less bandwidth
Disadvantages of VoIP Reliability Latency, jitter, packet loss Dependent on wall power No integration to other systems like digital video recorders, digital tv home security systems Attacked by worms and viruses, hacking No universal and specific VoIP standards