Challenges to Ethical Theorizing: Feminist Ethics and Virtue Ethics Instead of discussing morality in terms of acts or judgments based on rules or principles, we should focus on maintaining personal relationships or developing a good character
Gender and Morality u Women can be as rational about morality as men if they receive a comparable education u Morality is not about abstract principles, individual rights, equality, or impartial (typically male) theories of justice, but about caring for persons in specific situations and maintaining relationships WollstonecraftCarol Gilligan
Virtue Ethics u Morality requires developing habits that promote human excellence (and happiness) u To be virtuous means being rational, sensitive to the social and personal dimensions of life u Rational actions are not based on abstract principles but on moderation (golden mean) Aristotle u Virtue is linked to intentions, which are in turn intelligible only within a unified personal and communal narrative MacIntyre