Library Orientation for Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science Min-Lin E Fang, MLIS
2 Objectives By the end of this seminar you will be able to: Locate important library resources and services on GALEN Locate books and journals using UCSF Library Catalog and Conduct a basic PubMed and CINAHL search using keywords/title words Print/ /save search results
3 GALEN Resources & Services Library Catalog pilot Online Journals Databases Remote Access Become a fan of the Library on FacebookFacebook Ask a Librarian
4 Databases CINAHL Plus with full text Cochrane Library More Databases on physical therapyDatabases
5 E-Book Databases MDConsult Canale: Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics DeLee: DeLee and Drez’s Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Frontera: Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation AccessMedicine Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthopedics STAT!Ref Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques -
6 Special URL: UC-eLinks Links to UCSF full text journals Check whether UCSF owns a journal and get call number Request articles not owned by UCSF from other UC campuses
7 Keyword, Title Word vs MeSH Searching Keyword Searching – title, Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) and abstract Title word searching – physical therapy [ti] MeSH Searching: Index term, controlled vocabulary - an efficient way to find information on “concepts” or topics where authors use different language to discuss the same ideas. - Details: how PubMed interpreted your search terms; a fast way to identify appropriate MeSH terms on “concepts” e.g. Physical therapy “physical therapy” Physical therapy [ti] 3118 "physical therapy modalities"[MeSH Terms] NOTE: MeSH searching will be taught in the Advanced Searching class in the second year.
8 Search Technique Separate query into main search concepts; Enter search terms (keywords/title words/MeSH) in the search box Combine search terms using boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT Apply Limits
9 CINAHL-Full Texts Nursing and allied health information Overlap with MEDLINE In addition to journal articles, CINAHL includes book chapters, dissertations, conference proceedings, AV materials, software CE modules, Evidence-Based care sheet, consumer health information Nursing-specific controlled vocabulary/ thesaurus
11 CINAHL-Limits Limits
12 PubMed, CINAHL Exercise 1 Find articles on the effects of exercise on bone density Find articles on the effects of exercise on bone density in middle-aged women NOTE: Use keyword search and limit options
13 PubMed, CINAHL Exercise 2 Find articles, published in the past five years, on physical therapy interventions in stroke patients (PubMed, CINAHL) Find an article, published in Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine in 2009, on physical therapy interventions in stroke patients (CINAHL) Use keyword search and limit options
14 Additional Help PubMed Tutorials (NLM): Online Tutorials Ask a Librarian Redirect?virtcategory= Redirect?virtcategory=12571 Contact Min-Lin Fang, MLIS Education and Information Consultant for Nursing and Social and Behavioral Sciences June 2010