Understanding and Providing a Developmental Approach to Technology- UPDATE SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY [Science and Society] [PRIORITY TITLE: Structuring the ERA] FP Science-and-society-16
UPDATE: WP5 WP5 : Objectives Study on the motivating factors and possible barriers to technology careers, Developing new ways of encouraging female students to careers in technology
UPDATE: WP5 OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES: 1) The identification of the motivators, at each educational stage that led female students to technology education/ professional careers; - Country perspective (each partner) - Comparative analysis at the cross-national level (Doina’s group) 2) The identification of the barriers, at each educational stage, that discouraged female students to technology education/professional careers; - Country perspective (each partner) - Comparative analysis at the cross-national level (Doina’s group)
UPDATE: WP5 PARTNERS 1. University of Jyväskylä 2. University of Glasgow 3. Teacher Training University -Institute of Aix-Marseille 4. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi 5. Ovidius University Constanta 6. University of Tallinn 7. Dortmund University of Applied Science, Ada-Lovelace- Mentoring-Association 8. University of Koblenz, Ada- Lovelace-Project, 9. Competence Center Technology, Diversity and Equal Chances
UPDATE: WP5 PARTNERS 10. Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation 11. Institute of Philosophy of the Slovak Academy of Sciences 12. State College of Education in Vienna 13. Regional Institute for Educational Research 14. Aristotle University, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering 15. Central University of Complutense de Madrid 16. IDEC S.A
Demographical/statistical data and information (for each country ) I. The general set of the demographic data to be collected: Total population + the structure by sex, age cohorts The active population Number and the percent of women in the active population. Number of women employed in active women population The absolute number of unemployed women in the active population and in the active women population
Demographical/statistical data and information (for each country ) II. The set of the specific data and indicators, - to be collected under this objective: The absolute number of women graduates in your country. The percentage the graduate women represent in the active women population/and in the total active population. The distribution of women according to graduation qualification (head count). Absolute numbers of women engineers/ICT/physicists etc., by institutional sector: education, industries, research institutions, commercial companies (head count). Percentage of women engineers/ICT/physicists/etc by institutional sector (head count).
Partner 1….16 Dimensions choused Data collecting methods a) Questionnaire/structured/semi-structured interview. b) Case studies(2-4). c) Interviews (non-structured) with teachers/engineers. d) Sampling.
Partner’s/country brief reports on motivators and barriers 1-2 pages