MANAGING INNOVATION Unpacking the processes
Innovation is A new idea, the new use of an old idea which adds value
Whole organisation innovation Applies across the organisation Applies to products, processes, services, big changes, small change Is a methodology for achieving new and better ideas
Organisational Outcome A way of managing innovation which: Gives permission for all staff to contribute Is linked to organization’s priorities Results in new and valuable ideas
What you need A process for innovation which is accessible to all PLUS Organisational development tools to integrate innovation
Creativity and Innovation Creativity deals with the generation of ideas Innovation deals with the implementation of ideas, the “adding of value” They are not synonymous
Organisational Innovation In organization, “…what is often lacking is not creativity in the idea creating sense but innovation in the action production sense, i.e. putting ideas to work” Theodore Levitt, Creativity is Not Enough Havard Business Review, August 2002
Innovation works InterpretEvaluateRepresentGenerateCollaborateReflect
Interpret Staff need to learn how to: see with fresh eyes challenge assumptions gather information Interpret
Generate Staff need to learn to: take different perspectives visualise make connections make links Generate
Collaborate Staff need to: utilise their networks work with feedback Collaborate
Reflect Staff need to: internally brainstorm use reflection to improve ideas improve reflection skills Reflect
Represent Staff need to: develop a plan for an idea present ideas to engage the decision makers Represent
Evaluate Staff need to review the idea: to ensure that it is an idea that will work to ensure that it is an idea that adds value Evaluate
Innovation Works Introduces the skills in a highly interactive manner Incorporates a range of tools for thinking Applies them to a workplace issue The issue is developed to implementation
Organisation Systems embed innovation Environment promotes innovation Managers nurture innovation processes Everyone has innovation process skills
Methodology Get CEO commitment Create management support Assess organizational readiness Identify innovation needs
Methodology Select vertical team ? Train team Facilitate process Implement idea
Whole Organization Innovation Environment Skills Leadership Systems and processes
Innovation WORKS