Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO / PROO Dutch Programme Council for Educational Research Literacy development of at-risk adolescents in multilingual contexts: A tale of three cities Amos van Gelderen, Jan Hulstijn, Paul Leseman, Ron Oostdam, Peter Sleegers University of Amsterdam
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Backgrounds Many studies into early development of literacy (especially beginning reading). Some international comparative studies directed at literacy skills of adolescents in general (e.g. PISA) Very little is known about literacy development of adolescents and the main factors that influence this development. (Van Gelderen, et al. 2007) Concerns about: -at-risk students (high risk of school drop out) -multilingual contexts (large numbers of immigrants mixed with non- immigrants with poor economical prospects)
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Tale of Three Cities (TTC) Toronto (OISE) Alister Cumming, Esther Geva: ALTUR Geneva (SRED) Anne Soussi, Jacqueline Lurin: EVOLIT Amsterdam (SCO-Kohnstamm Institute): SALSA
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research PROJECT SALSA Studies of Adolescent Literacy of Students At-risk Studies of At-risk students’ Literacy Skills in Amsterdam Skills and other Aspects of Literacy of Students in Adolescence Studie naar Achtergronden van Lees en Schrijfontwikkeling bij Adolescenten
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Common frame 1 Home & Community Environment Individual Attributes student literacy School Environment
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Common frame 2 –Research questions: 1)What are important socio-cultural, educational and individual variables associated with literacy development in multilingual contexts? 2)What patterns of resilience can be found (positive literacy development contrary to initial expectations for at-risk students)? 3)Comparison between literacy development of at-risk and non at- risk students. 4)Comparison of the role of literacy related variables across the three multilingual contexts
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Common frame 3 –The same literacy test (measuring reading comprehension and writing skills), developed in collaboration between Toronto, Geneva and Amsterdam. –A selection of other instruments for measuring educational, socio- cultural and individual variables.
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Descriptive framework –Nature of literacy tasks (language, type of communication, medium, topic, addressees, situation) (Jakobssen, 1960); –Embeddedness of literacy tasks (i.e. exposure in terms of duration, frequency, interruption, timing and intensity) (Bronffenbrenner and Evans, 2000); –Use of selfregulatory strategies; –Connections of literacy tasks with home/school; –Teaching of literacy in language and non-language curricula from student and teacher perspectives (reading and writing strategies, literacy tasks, feedback on learning process); –Individual attributes (skills, attitudes)
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research SALSA: part-projects 1.School environment (I. de Milliano, P. Sleegers) 2.Home environment (C. Van Kruistum, P. Leseman) 3.Individual attributes (M. Trapman, J. Hulstijn) 4.Student Literacy (R. van Steensel, R. Oostdam)
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Variables in part projects 1 and 2 school environment (part- project 1) 1) nature of literacy tasks 2) embeddedness of literacy in curriculum 3) use of and instruction directed at selfregulatory literacy strategies 4) connections with home-environment 5) social context of teaching & learning home and community environment (part-project 2) 1) nature of literacy tasks 2) embedding of literacy 3) use of selfregulatory literacy strategies 4) connections with school-environment 5) social context 6) personal backgrounds of students
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Variables in part projects 3 and 4 individual attributes (part-project 3) 1) knowledge of vocabulary and grammar 2) metacognitive knowledge about reading and writing 3) fluency of word and sentence processing 4) non-verbal intelligence 5) attitudes towards literacy (in first and second languages) 6) immigrants’ home language literacy Integration (part-project 4) literacy (reading comprehension & writing composition)
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Sample longitudinal study –2 year longitudinal study: 40 at-risk students from the junior vocational track (20 Dutch L1, 20 other language at home) –Main immigrant groups from Turkish, Moroccan, Surinam and Antilles background (a few students from other backgrounds were allowed) –Immigrants have had at least 3 years residence in The Netherlands –Exclusionary criteria: diagnosed learning disabilities, behavioral disorders or dyslexia –Grade 7 (at the start)
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Cross-sectional study after analysis of longitudinal associations (for testing hypotheses): –900 students divided over grades 7-9 junior vocational tracks –at-risk students and non at-risk students
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Instruments –Questionnaires –Interviews –Diaries –Observations –Tests
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Triangulation Diverse instruments measuring same constructs, such as: - classroom observations of reading and writing activities (teachers and students); -student interview about reading and writing activities in class; -teacher interview about reading and writing activities in class.
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Mixed methods - student questionnaire about literacy related activities outside school context; -student diary about literacy related activities outside school context; -student interview about literacy related activities.
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Construct validation - student questionnaire about knowledge about reading and writing strategies; -student questionnaire about own strategy use.
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research Analysis Three times of measurement (grade 7, grade 8, grade 9) - multiple case analysis (patterns of literacy development and development on associated variables); -measures of association (simple correlations and ANOVA); In the end all part-projects deliver instruments suitable for large- scale administration in the cross-sectional study (tests and questionnaires)