Béatrice COUTURIER Grand Lyon RENAISSANCE LYON WP Progress and Plans WP 1.1: Energy Policy, Planning, Resarch and Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Béatrice COUTURIER Grand Lyon RENAISSANCE LYON WP Progress and Plans WP 1.1: Energy Policy, Planning, Resarch and Development

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 1 Summary of the work programme planned for the period April 2008 /October 2008 State of progress - Generalization of the office environmental management guide on all the urban projects leaded by Greater Lyon - Investigation of action plan about existing housing based on the experience of Zaragossa partners - Final report preparation Waiting for new executive presentation Launched WP 1.1 State of progress year 3: 6 last months

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 2 Strong / weak points: - Action plan on existing housing: launched - Will be done after Wp 1.1 achievement: - Finding innovative tax and financial solutions - Developing a programme of work to be carried out on a test sample of apartment blocks WP 1.1 Analysis of progress

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 3 How to exploit collaboration / networking opportunities: - Analysis of how the approach used in Valdesparterra can be replicated in the French context: to be done in the working group on WP 1.1 WP 1.1 Analysis of progress

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 4 WP 1.1 is finished WP 1.1 Plans for the next 6 months

RENAISSANCE : a CONCERTO project financed by the European Commission on the six framework programme RENAISSANCE - LYON - FRANCE 5 Conclusions Béatrice COUTURIER Contact ENERTECH