If we have a screen 10 m away from a 1 mm slit, can we use “far field diffraction” analysis? A] yes B] no C] can’t tell
If we are 10 m away from a 1 mm slit and the wavelength of light is 1 nm (softish x-rays), can we use far-field diffraction analysis? A] yes B] no C] can’t tell
If we are 10 m away from a 1 mm slit and the wavelength of light is 2 microns (near IR), can we use far-field diffraction analysis? A] yes B] no C] can’t tell
Two diffraction patterns are shown. Each has been normalized to its maximum intensity. If they were made with the same color of light, which slit was wider?
Slit B is wider than slit A. Note the inverse relationship between slit width and pattern width. If slit B is twice the width of slit A, and the same light source was used, what is the central maximum intensity from B, compared to the central maximum intensity from A? A] same B] twice C] four times D] half E] quarter
Two diffraction patterns are shown. Each has been normalized to its maximum intensity. If they were made with the same slit, but with red or blue light: which one was made with red light?
Which phasor diagram could not represent single-slilt diffraction?
Which phasor diagram corresponds to the first side maximum of a single slit diffraction pattern?
Use a pencil and paper. What is the (approximate) ratio of the intensity of the first side maximum to the central maximum? A] 1/ B] 2/9 C] 2/ D] 3/ E] 4/9
You have a detector sitting at the first side zero of a single slit diffraction pattern. The slit width is halved. What phasor diagram could describe the new diffracted E field?
What is the ratio of the intensity in the detector now to the old (full slit) central maximum? A] 1/ B] 2/9 C] 2/ D] 3/ E] 4/9
If you were originally at the second side zero of the full slit diffraction pattern, what would the phasor diagram look like after covering half the slit?
Sitting on the first side zero of a single slit diffraction pattern, If you block the “middle half” of the slit, (from 1/4 to 3/4 of the way across) What phasor diagram is appropriate?