Tribal Pesticide Circuit Rider Programs Jayme Mestes, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Willie Keenan, Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes Judy Bloom, U.S. EPA R8
Why circuit riders??
1. Funding Funding levels are stagnant Historically – funded only 5-6 tribal pesticide programs Resulted in limited FIFRA coverage on remaining reservations. DJ
2. Large Population & Land Area
Added Tool to Tool Box to expand coverage Individual Programs Direct Implementation Special Grants plus Circuit riders
Goals of the Circuit Rider Program: To protect human health and the environment from pesticide misuse To minimize pesticide exposure by reducing use when applicable To build tribal capacity by building circuit rider expertise which is shared with other tribes
R8 Learning From Others Look to Eric Gjevres, Coeur d'Alene pesticide circuit rider in R10 RCAC Native American Circuit Rider Program for drinking/waste water Rural Water Association – skill building with small systems
Which Tribes and Reservations? Conducted Needs Assessment * population # private applicators # commercial applicators # farms farm acreage production establishments *Not all factors applicable or readily available *Information provided to R8 tribes for comment *Information presented at ROC mtg And who had a pesticide program already
Circuit Riders Jayme Mestes, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Circuit rides to 2 additional reservations Gene Springer, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Circuit rides to CRST and 1 additional reservation Willie Keenan, Confed. Salish &Kootenai Tribes Circuit rides to CSKT and 1 additional reservation
Plus ….. 4 additional Pesticide Programs: –Oglala Sioux Tribe –Assiniboine & Sioux Tribes –Three Affiliated Tribes –Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
Thank you!! Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe & Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes Dan Helfgott, Mary Powell, and Al Havinga of EPA, HQ for continued support EPA American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) TPPC for support of our program ! All who helped provide training
Tribal Pesticide Programs: Protecting Human Health and the Environment