Summary of Current Test Plan for US DCLL TBM in ITER Neil Morley and the US TBM Participants INL, August 10-12.


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Presentation transcript:

Summary of Current Test Plan for US DCLL TBM in ITER Neil Morley and the US TBM Participants INL, August 10-12

US strategy for ITER testing of the DCLL Blanket and First Wall Concept  Develop and deploy a series (~4) of vertical half-port DCLL-TBMs during the period of the first 10 years of ITER operation with –Test articles from day one of ITER operation with specific testing goals and diagnostic systems –Associated ancillary equipment systems in a transporter behind the bioshield and in space in the TCWS and tritium buildings using bypass PbLi flow to keep temperature of ancillary equipment below material limits  Develop international collaboration on PbLi systems to the maximal extent

US DCLL TBM Testing Schedule in the US DDD ITER Year ITER Operation Phase Magnet testing & vacuum HH- First Plasma HH DD Low Duty DT Low Duty DT Low Duty DT High Duty DT High Duty DT High Duty DT Progressive ITER Testing Conditions Toroidal B field Vacuum Heat flux B Field Disrup- tions Small DD neutron flux NWL Full disruption energy Fluence Accumula -tion Electromagnetic/ Structural (EM/S) TBM Install RH System check- out Transient EM Loading on structure and FCIs FW heat flux loading ITER field perturbation LM-MHD tests Nuclear Field/ Tritium Prod. (N/T) TBM  Finalize Design Nuclear field Tritium production Nuclear heating Structure and FW heating Thermofluid/ MHD (T/M) TBM  Finalize Design FCI thermal and electrical insulation Tritium permeation Velocity profiles Integrated (I) TBM  Finalize Design High temperature effects in TBM Tritium permeation/recovery Integrated function, reliability

Electromagnetic/Structural (EM/S) TBM Testing Goals 1.Validate general TBM structure and design –Measure forces and the mechanical response of the TBM structure to transient EM loads –Determine ferromagnetic and MHD flow perturbation of ITER fields –Measure thermal and particle load effects on plasma facing surface (Be) and FW structure/heat sink Information in the early HH phase can be used: to modify designs of subsequent TBMs to be deployed in the later DT phase for ITER DT Licensing. 2.Establish performance baseline and operational experience of the TBM and ancillary systems –Integration of control systems and diagnostics with ITER systems –Demonstration of required port integration and remote handling procedures –Measurement of thermal time constants and heat loss –Testing heating/filling/draining/remelting and accident response procedures 3.Perform initial studies of MHD effects and Flow Channel Insert performance –MHD flow distribution and pressure drop in toroidal field and toroidal + poloidal field –FCI performance changes as a function LM exposure time and loading from EM events –Map ITER field in TBM area

Design of EM/S TBM  EM/S TBM based on the Integrated TBM to be deployed in the DT phase. –Identical dimensions, materials and fabrication sequence –Similar electrical characteristics including FCIs  Deploy with SiC/SiC FCIs –If development SiC/SiC FCIs requires additional time, sandwich-type RAFS clad Alumina inserts will be deployed at this stage as an electrical surrogate.  1 TBM during entire H-H phase – 3 year lifetime –Manufacturing a spare is a possible alternative  Required ancillary equipment includes full helium coolant, PbLi circulation system –If needed, non-essential PbLi purification systems, PbLi-He HX, tritium removal systems etc. could be staged over 1 st 4 year’s operation

Measurement Systems needed to meet EM/S TBM testing goals  DC and AC field measurements (with Hall Probes, other?)  Load cells at TBM attachment points  Strain gauges at selected locations on inside FW, separator plates and attachment points  Electrical potential measurements at various locations  Thermocouples at high temperature locations on the FW, in access lines, and LM and He system components in the transporter cask  Depth markers in FW beryllium  LM and High pressure He compatible pressure transducers  LM and He flow meters  PIE –deformation of module and external attachment supports –FCI cracking, crumbling, PbLi soaking –Internal weld failures Estimate: ~50 diagnostic channels required

Nuclear Field / Tritium Production (N/T) TBM  Purpose: –database of neutron field measurements for various types of ITER discharges and conditions –characterize tritium production rate (TPR), and nuclear heating rates. –FW He cooling and tritium implantation  Design: –Similar design and structure as the Integrated-TBM –Rabbit-style tube system for deploying/retrieving activation foils into several location in the TBM –Tritium diagnostics (Li glass, other) –Nuclear heat (micro-calorimeter, other) diagnostics  Testing during DD and early DT phase: –~2 years in-ITER –Operated ‘cold’ to help control tritium –Required operational conditions still to be determined

Thermofluid / MHD (T/M) TBM  Purpose: –thermal and electrical insulation properties of the FCI –FCI failure effects –tritium permeation through FCIs –velocity measurements with FCI gap flow and natural convection –Initial data on activation products and chemistry control  Design: –Aspects of TBM itself still TBD based on ongoing R&D –Temperature, electric potential diagnostics –Calorimetry –Tritium counting diagnostics  Testing in low duty DT phase –~2 years in-ITER –moderate temperature (<500C) operation of the TBM with PbLi

DCLL Integrated (I) TBM  Purpose: –Investigate high temperature TBM operation flow channel inserts behavior effect on tritium permeation corrosion and activation products –Investigate online tritium recovery from PbLi and He streams –Investigate online PbLi purification systems –Explore longer term Integrated operation of the system including small accumulation of radiation damage in FCIs and RAFS joints  Design –Preliminary design outlined in DDD (shown by Wong and Dagher)  Testing in high duty DT phase –~3 years in-ITER –Continuous operation in long campaigns looking for changes in performance and failures

Comments:  Is the scope appropriate? –…  Input from materials, safety, tritium, PFC people? –…  Missing test objectives? –…  Mission statement?