2 Introduction In this chapter we examine consistency tests, and trying to improve their parameters: –reducing the number of variables accessed by the test. –reducing the variables’ range. –reducing error probability.
3 Introduction We present the tests: Points-on-Line Line-vs.-Point Plane-vs.-Plane
4 Representation, Test, Consistency The Basic Terms: Representation [.] Representation [.] – [.] is a set of variables, –To each variable a value is assigned, –The values are in the range 2 v, –The values correspond to a single, polynomial ƒ: V from PCP[D, V, ) f is of global degree r
5 Representation, Test, Consistency Test Test –A set of Boolean functions, –Each depends on at most D representation’s variables. local tests D from PCP[D, V, )
6 Representation, Test, Consistency Consistency Consistency: –Measures an amount of conformation between the different values assigned to the representation variables. –We say that the values are consistent if they satisfy at least an -fraction of the local tests.
7 Geometry Let us define some specific affine subspaces of : –lines( ) is the set of all lines (affine subspaces of dimension 2) of –planes( ) is the set of all planes (affine subspaces of dimension 3) of
8 Overview of the Tests In each tests the variables in [.] represent some aspect of the given polynomial f, such as –f’s values on points of –f’s restriction to a line in –f’s restriction to a plane in The local-tests check compatibility between the values of different variables in [.].
9 Simple Test: Points-on-Line Representation Representation: [.] has one variable [p] for each point p . The variables are supposedly assigned the value ƒ(p). hence v = log | |
10 Points-on-Line: Test Test Test: There’s one local-test for each line l lines( ). Each test depends on all points of l. A test accepts if and only if the values are consistent with a single degree-r univariate polynomial 2r
11 Points-on-Line: Consistency globally consistent Def: An assignment to is said to be globally consistent if values on most points agree with a single, global degree-r polynomial. Thm[RuSu]: If a large (constant) fraction of the local-tests accept, then there is a polynomial ƒ (of degree-r) which agrees with the assigned values on most points. Alas, each local-test depends on a non constant number of variables (2r)
12 Next Test: Line-vs.-Point Representation Representation: [.] has one variable [p] for each point p , supposedly assigned ƒ(p), Plus, one variable [l] for each line l lines( ), supposedly assigned ƒ ’s restriction to l. Hence the range of [l] is all degree-r univariate poly’s
13 Line-vs.-Point: Test Test Test: There’s one local-test for each pair of: –a line l lines( ), and –a point p l. A test accepts if the value assigned to [p] equals the value of the polynomial assigned to [l] on the point p.
14 Global Consistency: Constant Error Thm [AS,ALMSS]: Probability of finding inconsistency, between value for [p] and value for line [l] on p, is high (constant), unless most lines and most points agree with a single, global degree-r polynomial. Here D = O(1) V = (r+1) log| | & constant.
15 Can the Test Be Improved? Can error-probability be made smaller than constant (such as 1/log(n) ), while keeping each local-test depending on constant number of representation variables?
16 What’s the problem? Adversary: randomly partition variables into k sets, each consistent with a distinct degree-r polynomial This would cause the local-test’s success probability to be at least k -(D-1). (if all variables fall within the same set in the partition)
17 Consequently One therefore must further weaken the notion of global consistency sought after [ still, making sure it can be applied in order to deduce PCP characterization of NP ].
18 Limited Pluralism Def: Given an assignment to ’s variables, a degree-r polynomial ƒ is said to be -permissible if it is consistent with at least a fraction of the values assigned. Global Consistency: assignment’s values consistent with any -permissible ƒ are acceptable.
19 Limited Pluralism - Cont. Formally: Def: A local test is said to err (with respect to ) if it accepts values that are NOT consistent with any -permissible degree-r ƒ ’s.
20 Limited Pluralism - Cont. Note that the adversary’s randomly partition does not trick the test this time: If the test accepts when all the variables are from a set consistent with an r-degree polynomial, then the polynomial is really - permissible.
21 Plane-vs.-Plane: Representation Representation: [.] has one variable [p] for each plane p planes( ), supposedly assigned the restriction of f to p. Hence the range of [p] is all degree-r two-variables poly’s
22 Plane-vs.-Plane: Test Test: There’s one local-test for each line l lines( ) and a pair of planes p 1,p 2 planes( ) such that l p 1 and l p 2 A test accepts if and only if the value of [p 1 ] restricted to l equals the value of [p 2 ] restricted to l. Here D=O(1), v=2(r+1)log| |. That is, a pair of plains intersecting by a line
23 Plane-vs.-Plane: Consistency Thm[RaSa]: As long as | | -c for some constant 1 > c > 0, the tests err (w.r.t. ) with a very small probability, namely -c’ for some constant 1 > c’ > 0.
24 Plane-vs.-Plane: Consistency - Cont. The theorem states that, the plane-vs.- plane test, with very high probability ( 1 - c’ ), either rejects, or accepts values of a -permissible polynomial.
25 Summary We examined consistency tests, Points-on-Line,Line-vs.-Point and Plane-vs.-Plane. By weakening to -permissible definition, we achieve an error probability which is below constant.