Spring 2000John Kristoff1 Physical Layer Computer Networks
Spring 2000John Kristoff2 Numbering Systems zBinary zHexadecimal zDecimal
Spring 2000John Kristoff3 Transmission of Information zFrom Physics yEnergy yElectromagnetic wave propogation zFrom Mathematics yCoding Theory
Spring 2000John Kristoff4 Analog and Digital Signaling
Spring 2000John Kristoff5 Amplitude Modulation
Spring 2000John Kristoff6 Frequency Modulation
Spring 2000John Kristoff7 Baseband and Broadband
Spring 2000John Kristoff8 Phase Modulation
Spring 2000John Kristoff9 Modems
Spring 2000John Kristoff10 Digital Encoding
Spring 2000John Kristoff11 CSU/DSU
Spring 2000John Kristoff12 Undesirable Effects and Limitations zPropagation Delay zBandwidth zNoise zInterference zDistortion zAttenuation
Spring 2000John Kristoff13 Sampling and Nyquist’s Theorem
Spring 2000John Kristoff14 Shannon’s Limit zCorrects for SNR zEncoding more bits per cycle time helps, but you cannot overcome the fundamental physical limits of a real transmission system.
Spring 2000John Kristoff15 Timing zAsynchronous ybit level zSynchronous ycharacter level zIsochronous ytiming coordination must be successful
Spring 2000John Kristoff16 Transmission Media
Spring 2000John Kristoff17 Connectors
Spring 2000John Kristoff18 Media Test and Measurement zHands-on Demo
Spring 2000John Kristoff19 Repeaters zSignal Regeneration zClean up zAmplifly zDistance Extension
Spring 2000John Kristoff20 Hubs zRepeater functionality, plus... zConcentration Point zSignal Distribution Device zManagement Functions
Spring 2000John Kristoff21 Throughput versus Bandwidth zUsable capacity zDetermined by engineering z Electrical Property z Determined by physics