[an overview of eLearning policy in the eLene partner countries] Deborah Arnold, eLearning project manager Vidéoscop – Université Nancy 2 eLene-TT / eLene-TLC coordinator eLene-EE partner eLene-EE economics of eLearning conference, Université Paris-Sud, Sceaux, France. December 13 th – 14 th
2/15 Work package A: decision makers Objective: –common policy statement from eLene institutions => priorities for successful integration of ICT-supported teaching and learning Actions: –Identification of local, regional and national decision makers –Review of national policy and strategy in the 8 eLene partner countries with specific reference to ICT-supported teaching and learning in higher education
3/15 Policy or strategy? Proposed working definition: Policy = –identifiable, applicable policy document with quantifiable objectives Strategy = –Broader statements of intent [NB: the following interpretation is work in progress…]
4/15 Orientation – dominants (open for discussion!) PED TECHLLL/IS PED: pedagogical, teaching and learning TECH: technical, ICT, IT LLL/IS: Life Long Learning, Information Society FR DE IT NL FI SE ES PL policy strategy investigation
5/15 Key issues: France Part of overall strategic three-year plan for Information Systems and Telecommunications: S3IT 2008S3IT 2008 –Learning paths and professional integration –Pedagogy and ICT –Digital services –Appropriate use of ICT in higher education –Digital Thematic Universities –Online courses and resources for teachers –Mainstreaming the use of ICT –Reinforce the status of university-level education
6/15 Key issues: Germany No national policy for ICT in Education, but a national strategy –2000, concept for action: “Online - Offline” - IT in Education, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).“make efficient use of ICT in teaching and learning” –Building infrastructure, New teaching and learning concepts, Content software for higher education teaching, Developing concepts for a German Virtual University and Strengthening ICT training at higher education institutions
7/15 Key issues: Italy Ministry of Public Education pursues Lisbon objectives Progress report 2005 "IMPLEMENTING THE ‘EDUCATION AND TRAINING 2010’ - WORK PROGRAMME": –Strengthen Development Programme for Educational Technologies –Involve whole school system, from pre-school to upper secondary –Initial and continuous training of school staff in the use of education technologies –computerised network infrastructure –ICT training for school teachers
8/15 Key issues: the Netherlands HOOP (Higher Education and Research Plan) 2004 –Increase the participation in higher education to 50%. –More students from non-traditional target groups –Broader knowledge strategy - > Lisbon ambitions –e-learning for more innovative and flexible education –Anticipate on the expectations of nowadays students –e-learning for specific strategic purposes:.international students.life long learning
9/15 Key issues: Sweden No national policy, but rather an overall strategy Swedish National Agency for Higher Education: –New forms of teaching –Cross-disciplinary, integrating IT with other areas of education.Learning.Advanced information-seeking.Communication.Simulations –All institutions of higher education should have a strategy and an action plan for their combined IT efforts
10/15 Key issues: Finland National-level ICT strategies for education: –ICT must be integrated in the curriculum –Natural part of knowledge creation –New pedagogical approaches:.Active learning.Participatory, collaborative culture.Problem solving Information Society Programme for Education, Training and Research 2004 – 2006 –goal for 2007: at least 75 % of teachers should have the knowledge and skills to use ICT in teaching
11/15 Key issues: Spain Not yet a national policy for ICT in Education –Multiple scenario of initiatives and programmes for digital literacy and ICT.private institutions.public institutions.Spanish government.government of the different Autonomous Communities –Competencies in telecommunication and Information Society transferred to the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce.Information Society.avoid the digital divide
12/15 Key issues: Poland 2005 Polish Ministry of National Education and Sport: draft document on Model of Implementation of Distance Education System in Poland –No legal regulations, but many projects and experienced HEIs Areas of investigation: –Universal national models of distance education –Who to train / who should teach –Techniques/methods/disciplinary fields –IT infrastructure –Synergy of different assets and competencies –Funding
13/15 Next steps Validate, update Link to concrete application of policy in eLene institutions Publish eLene policy statement/vision
14/15 Remember! eLene-TLC forum: “Preparing universities for the ne(x)t generation of students” Bremen, Germany 17 th – 18 th April 2008
15/15 Thank you!