FCE Seminar - Background zShort talk at CoBuild, this Saturday zAwareHome project z10 minutes zDRAFT
AwareHome Cory Kidd, Rob Orr, Elizabeth Mynatt, and LOTS of other people Future Computing Environments Group Georgia Tech
Two Takeaway Points zLiving laboratory zOpportunities from sensing, recognizing and interpreting human activity …… a home that is aware of its occupants
Talk Roadmap zHouse basics zInterdisciplenary team zFocus on current projects
House Basics z3 Story new house y2 identical “apartments” (3 bedrm +) yBasement social area and machine room zEdge of GaTech campus zUnder construction yready December 1999
Outside SouthEast
Floor plan
Funding and Support zGeorgia Research Alliance (State of Georgia) zBroadband Telecommunication Center (BTC) zBell South z???
Interdisciplenary Team zBTC Center ytelecommunications zGT Wireless Institute zElectrical and Computer Engineering zArchitecture zPsychology zFuture Computing Environments (College of Computing)
FCE Group zGregory Abowd, Chris Atkeson, Aaron Bobick, Irfan Essa, Blair MacIntyre, Beth Mynatt, Thad Starner zC2000, ubicomp, machine learning, computational perception, vision, face recognition, augmented reality, HCI, assistive technology, wearables
Current projects zAwareRoom zSmart Floor zUbiquitous Sensing zAging in Place
Smart Floor zRecognize people based on their footsteps zIntegrate with other sensors into our Context Toolkit (Salber, Dey, & Abowd, CHI ‘99)
Ubiquitous Sensing zReconstruction of a Scene zMultiple Camera-Multiple Person Tracking zContext-based Activity / Object Recognition
Aging in Place zSupport older adults who want to live independently in their own homes zCrisis support zEveryday cognition (interruption) zAwareness of current activity and long- term trends
Many issues zSystems architecture zApplication / interface design zPrivacy zHuman-subject consent
In Conclusion... zCreate new capabilities by making a home aware of its occupants zLiving laboratory zSpectrum of projects More information at: