The Grant Watch List Goal: To ensure, in the current NIH environment, that we plan appropriately for the loss of research funding.
Cooperative Effort Lucy and Luna SPA SPF
SPA List of pending applications by PI ? Knowledge of status
Finance List of PI’s who: –Are Loosing >50% of their grants in next 5 months. –The loss >$15k –No knowledge of new\continuing award
The ?’s Was this loss budgeted? What’s the plan to cover the expenses post the end date? –Transfer to other grants –Transfer to discretionary –Bridging –Shedding of expense
The Process Report Distribution on the 15 th of each month: –The SPA report, and the Finance report (or 1 combined?) Departmental Feedback on applications by the 1 st of the following month. Department and Finance review plans by the 7 th of the following month. Finance Coordinator: Marybeth Rudofski, 36280
Department:Department A FAME ChartProject TitleCurrent BudgetSponsorToFromPending Application Term_5 MosCurrent StatusSPA # Proposed 1 st Yr Budget PI Name: A 12345A Drosophila Model of Barth Syndrome 4/1/2005Barth Syndrome Foundation 3/31/2007$40,000.00($40,000.00)No Pathogenetic Mechanisms and genetic Suppression of Barth Syndrome 4/1/2007Barth Syndrome Foundation 3/31/2008Yes (New) PI Name: B 56789Proteome of Pancreatic Zymogene Granules 5/1/2006NIH/NIDDK4/30/2007$165,029.00($165,029.00)No Proteome of Pituitary Secretary Granules 4/1/2005NIH5/31/2007 $40, Yes (New) $308, Totals for : A $40,000.00($40,000.00)$40, Totals for : B $165,029.00($165,029.00)$308, Draft