Flat Hat Election Coverage: Binary Commentary Ryan Youell Sun Park Erin Dingle Crissy Scott
United We standUnited We stand
Divided We Fall American Civil War: 1861Presidential Election 2000
Kennedy Nixon E L E C T I O N
September 30 th : Announcement of conducting poll October 7th "Candidate Nixon Wins Election Poll; Students Put Foreign Affair First"
October 14th "A Matter of Church and State" by Alfred A. Volkmann
October 21st "Letters to the Editor“ October 21st "The Responsibility of criticism" by Alfred A. Volkmann
October 28th "On the Record" by Allan C. Brownfeld November 11th "On the Record" by Allan C. Brownfeld
Gore Bush 2 0 E L E C T I O N
“Students gear up for presidential race: Mock debate and Supreme Court discussion inform College campus.” - Sarah Ingle, Flat Hat Staff November 3rd, 2000
“Follow Conscience for Voting” - Maybarduk, Guest Columnist November 3rd, 2000 “Most of us grow up learning to oppose a particular party rather than to support one.” “Above all, vote your conscience and not your fear”
"Republicans Claim Victory in State" -Valerie Sawyer, Flat Hat Staff November 10th, 2000 “I just want to know who my president will be."
"Election 2000: Our Democracy Fails” -Mike Woods, Guest Columnist Nomember 17th, 2000 (Sun's pictures, #039) “If we could stop this partisan bickering for a minute and look at the election rationally, we could resolve it fairly for both parties involved.”
Pre-Election Coverage “Campus political groups mobilize” 10/3/2008 “Vote Obama, Warner, Day” 10/28/2008 Flat Hat Editorial Board: “We urge you to make Barack Obama America’s 44th president”
Election Day Coverage 11/4/2008 “Seeing Blue: College students back Obama in Flat Hat poll” “College papers go for Obama 66- 2” “The end of election mania” “A conclusion likely to make history”
Post-Election Coverage 11/7/2008 “Celebrating Obama’s Win: Election night parties marked by victory – or defeat” “Students helped swing Va. To Obama” “Students excited, relieved at election’s end” “Students can now only wait for change”