effective networking in and out of conferences ping chen :: google prof. stephanie august :: loyola marymount university girish suryanarayana, ph.d. :: university of california, irvine prof. brian demsky :: university of california, irvine
ping chen :: google some tips conferences aren’t just about attending talks –best networking opportunities typically occur outside of talks attend (local) workshops as often as possible –workshops typically allow for more discussion and idea exchange do summer internships early and at difference places
prof. stephanie august :: loyola marymount university conference preparation for luck meet peers –department heads of the future –your future NSF proposal/tenure application/advancement reviewers be prepared to answer the question: what do you do? follow up –send promised papers or references –tell people you enjoyed talking with them –exchange ideas
3 tips for networking networking helps get jobs, funding, and recommendation letters do formal networking –plan who you want to talk to –prepare elevator speech do informal networking –talk to people you meet by chance –join conversations, introduce others girish suryanarayana, ph.d. :: university of california, irvine
and also.. publish, publish, publish at top rank conferences interact with more professors and researchers than just your advisor cast a wide net –don't forget to apply to computer engineering departments and internationally prof. brian demsky :: university of california, irvine