Mr. Mixer (Automatic Mixing Machine) Final Presentation Alex Rust & Nate Lamie
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Background Consumers enjoy elaborately mixed beverages and want a fun and simple way of getting them.
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Problem Create a machine that automatically dispenses different fluids to make desirable beverages.
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Solution Use a micro-controller to control solenoid valves connected to bottles with hoses in order to create mixed beverages.
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie System Overview HC11 Trainer Key Pad Display Valve Controller Table with bottles and valves Hose System Glass Power Supply Sensor Solenoid Valves
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie What does it look like?
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Electrical Overview HC11 Sensor Solenoid Valves Power Supply Valve Drivers Keypad Interface +5 V +12 V
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Solenoid Valve Driver
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Optical Sensor for Glass
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Mechanical Overview Easy Disconnect Valve Air Vent Cap Attachment Sensor Velcro Strap Assembly Post Hose Frame
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Assembly Post
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Software Overview Power Up System Shutdown Welcome Custom Beverage Drink Selection A?B? END
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Drink Selection Display List Select Drink Scroll Up Scroll Down Mix Beverage Check For Glass Warning Display
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Custom Beverage Display Directions #4#1#5#2 #3 Timing System Back to Main Save Beverage Info
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Software Sample I
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Software Sample II
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Bill of Materials Valves $200 Electrical Components HC11, IC’s, Optical Sensor $ 70 Building Materials Wood, Hoses, fasteners… $ 40 Miscellaneous Items Glass, Pourers, Buttons… $ 30
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Prototype Cost Total = $340 Estimated Production Cost = $300 Estimated Retail Price = $400
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Schedule
For More Information Visit
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Block Diagram
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie New Keypad
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie Parallel Power IC
05/1/03Alex Rust & Nate Lamie LCD Expectations