In its Resolution proclaiming IYC 2011, the UN General Assembly recognized the importance of chemical education in addressing global issues such as clean water, sustainability, energy, and climate change Keith Peterman: YCP Spring Semester Theme Water Greg Foy: ACS Community Outreach Sustainability and energy Leah Block and Anthony Tomaine: COP16 Climate change
Let the celebration begin!!!
Why is IYC 2011 important? “Chemistry – our life, our future” Chemistry majors, educators, and professionals: Invite others into your abstract world of atoms and molecules o Increase public appreciation in chemistry o Increase interest of young people in chemistry o Generate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry
IYC 2011 Features Knight Center for International Media Documentary & panel discussion February 1 Richard Alley Evan Pugh Professor of Geosciences March 17
Amy Korst Green Garbage Project Aaron Woolf, dir. and prod. King Corn, Big River March 24 or 31 Documentary March 15 April 6
IYC 2011 How Do we CELEBRATE Chemistry? The Cell Phone Popcorn Craze!! Do You Believe?? This is Probably More Likely!!! Proven!! The platform is being provided SUCCESS is optional
Cross-Discipline Video Outreach Project The platform is being provided SUCCESS is optional
Cross-Discipline Video Outreach Project Goal : Bringing Sustainability into IYC 2011 Focus of Videos Four Themes of IYC 2011 – Water in our environment – Health – Materials – Energy – YCP Chemistry Society is ENGAGED!! The platform is being provided SUCCESS is optional
Themed Videos: Engaging Students Intellectual Curiosity Knowledge Creativity Camera Uplink to YouTube --Voila!! What we need Student Ideas and Interest – involve friends outside of your discipline! Videos that are intentional in purpose Promotion: Facebook, Blogs and comments, Twitter, Others? Who do you look to for Support and Leadership? YCP Chemistry Society, Faculty, Local ACS Section, Local Business and Industry
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Mission- consider what can be done and cope with what is inevitable Kyoto Protocol COP16/CMP6
COP th Conference of Parties Parties- National states that signed and ratified both international treaties 2 groups of participants- State parties and Observers
Kick-Off Project Blogging from COP16 – Community outreach – Interviews – Reports on events Video Anaheim presentation
Acknowledgements and Thanks Faculty Development Committee Dean of Academic Affairs Physical Sciences Department Sustainability and Environmental Studies Comm. American Chemical Society Committee on Environmental Improvement Ray Garant, Assistant Director for Public Policy Chemical and Engineering News Rudy Baum, Editor-in-chief