C&D Waste: Environment Agency Interest and Role Construction &Demolition Waste Data Event Watford, 9 th July 2009 Chris Saville Waste and Resource Management Policy Paul Batty Pathway to Zero Waste Project
Covering… Our interest in the construction sector Our objectives for the sector Our advisor role Improving the evidence base
Our interest in the sector Regulator Planning consultee Water resources planning Construction client
Wider interest… Better use of natural resources Climate change Mitigation Adaptation
Our objectives for the sector… Our nationally agreed priorities with this sector: Increase compliance of core construction-related regulations by SMEs Better sub contractor practices on construction sites to raise compliance and improve environmental performance Reduce pollution from construction sites Reduce waste from construction sites Less flytipping Sustainable construction and design
New Corporate Strategy Consultation until 17 July 2009 Available at: agency.gov.uk/pdf/GEHO0409BPWE-e-e.pdf
Our role on waste… Regulator Advisor Planning consultee
Advisor role Waste data and information Regional Planning Bodies Local authorities Advice, guidance and support Why… Expectation from Government Opportunity to protect and improve the environment
Improving evidence Priority Externally: More timely reporting Work with RTABs Internally Better systems New Evidence Directorate Environmental planning approach
Construction waste data Major waste stream High recycling/recovery But Too much still going to landfill Resource ‘inefficiency’ Relatively poor data and knowledge
Improving data on construction waste Better systems Work with RTABs Regional initiatives Work with BRE Pathway to Zero Waste Real data, routinely…
Supporting Pathway to Zero Waste Paul Batty
Supporting Pathway to Zero Waste By 2011, a 50% reduction in C&D waste to landfill By 2020, a 90% reduction in C&D waste to landfill
Summary of origin of C&D waste in the South East 2008
C & D deposits to landfill vs total in the South East
Data supporting PTZW - Summary Data problems being addressed E-business playing a big part Partnership working Changing behaviours Help planners and private business Increase demand for recovered materials Create the Infrastructure to divert waste from landfill
PTZW Benefits for Construction Industry Better strategic data Better Identification of need Better planning decisions Benchmarking performance Identify good working practices Better profits