Macromedia Flash Cartoons & Buttons Your Presenter: Laura Silberstein
Agenda Review Make Buttons Review Drawing Tools Layers and Organization Start Shell Game design
Review Key Frame Frame by frame animation Blank Key Frame Onion Skin Symbols, Instances and Graphics Animating Gradients
Working with Symbol Instances True or False? Editing Instance changes the Symbol Editing the Symbol changes the Instances
Tweening Shape Tweening Text to Shape Tweens Break Apart Motion Tweening Motion Guide
Animating graphic symbols Transform panel Size Distort Rotate Rotate about external point Color changes Shadow shimmers
Motion Tweening Motion Tweening effects Masking and its animation Text in Motion Tween Motion Guide
Stop Action Frame actions Button actions
Filetypes Flash file = filename.fla Created by Flash application Authoring/editing environment Movie file = filename.swf Exported from.fla document Keystroke shortcut = command return Web page file = filename.html
Making Buttons Up, Over, Down, Hit Keyframes for each state? IF: Roll-over state changes Different colors? Play sounds? Add message? Add action? IF: Down state changes (see above) IF: Hit state changes: hotspots change
Exercise: Making Buttons Make a button with 4 keyframes Each state should have a different color Make HIT state large Enable button actions & test your button Note: your button is now in your library and can be used in other.fla files
Button Actions Using ActionScript Go to URL Go to Frame More Button Animations Use Up, Over, Down states like 3 frames Can also add content to areas of the stage away from the button
Review Layer Organization Action Layer Label Layer Button Layer Graphics Layer(s) Sound Layer(s)
Exercise: Invisible Button Open new Flash document Make an invisible button. Duplicate it and add sound to Down state Draw a shell…Convert to Symbol Make 4 layers Add a shell instance to each layer Place your sound_button under one shell. Test your movie Add another invisible button instance Edit the HIT area to fill the stage Export your movie and test it
Exercise: Button Animation Open a new Flash document Drag an instance of your invisible button to the stage Edit the button (right-click…Edit) Insert keyframes to Over and Down Draw cartoon face in Up state Add eye-wink in Over state Add lips in whistle position in Down state Add a sound to Down state
Start Shell Game designShell Game Design a 5-shell game 3-shell.fla --> Save As…5_shell.fla Add frames Layers: Label, Actions, Graphics, Buttons Read instructions on Web pageWeb Notes Label frames & add stop actions Keep shells on their own layers Create menu buttons to go to 3-shell, 5-shell start, 5- shell stop, cartoon Create play buttons for each area