Centuries of Survival A 3/4 Multiage Investigation
WHAT DO WE NEED TO SURVIVE? Food and Water Clothing Shelter Defense/Ways to Stay Safe
FOOD AND WATER What kinds of foods do you eat? How do you find food? –Hunting? –Farming? –Gathering? What is your water source? –River? –Lake? –Stream?
CLOTHING What kinds of clothing do you wear and why? –What do your clothes look like? –Out of what materials are they made? How do you get your clothes? –Buy them? –Make them?
SHELTER What kind of home do you have? –What is it called? –What does it look like? –Out of what materials is it made? Why is your home designed that way?
DEFENSES/WAYS TO STAY SAFE How do you protect yourself? –From other people? –From animals? –From dangerous or damaging weather? What people help you stay safe?
Investigation People have been surviving for centuries. They have not always lived the same way that we live today. How do you think that the pioneers in the Midwest survived?
Your Task: Use Ms. Newcomb’s pioneer pages to investigate pioneer life. Answer all of our survival questions. Use this information to create a final project which you will share with the class.
You will be using primary sources like these:
Project Choices Create a Survival Brochure on Microsoft Publisher. Design a PowerPoint presentation explaining all the information you gathered. Write two journal entries. One will be a day in your life. One will be a day in the life of a pioneer. Publish these using Microsoft Word or Publisher.
Good Luck!