You must know what you want to be able to know it when you see it
You are going to develop a visual product that displays your own Personal Code and Mission Statement
If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything Remember the “Fuzzy” story?
If your goals are important to you Do more than just talk about them in “Fuzzy” terms
You will chart a personal code which will steer your day-to- day course Sign your personal code Post it publicly
You will be asked to: Think deeply about What beliefs are most important to you What principles center your life
By the time we are done, you will be able to: Analyze and interpret various personal codes and mission statements (as shown in packet.
By the time we are done - cont’d Evaluate your own beliefs or values, and write a list of the most important absolute principles which act as your guide and focus in life.
By the time we are done - cont’d Use a writing style which reflects your own personality, principles, and/or creative approach or theme.
By the time we are done - cont’d Demonstrate “Packaging Skills” Display your Code
First! – Peparation Complete the Preparation Worksheets and Activities
Following that, you will express your beliefs in an attractive and personal manner – representing the essence of who you are and what you stand for
Then complete the final Assignments and present a digital slide show of your work to the class
Good Luck on this Journey of Self-Discovery!