Midterm Exam Review IS 485, Professor Matt Thatcher
2 Agenda l Exam format l Tips l Topics list l Free Q & A
3 Format of Mid-Term Exam l Fill-in-the-blank (maybe) –supply best answer l Short answer –example interface »here is an example of an interface – find the flaws –example situations »here is an example design process – find the flaws, or what concepts does it illustrate? –definitions and lists –compare and contrast –process steps –constructing examples of course concepts »case examples, everyday object examples, etc.
4 Tips for Preparation l Before the exam –review readings and notes esp “Review” sections –list concepts –group similar concepts together –make up exam questions »why is this concept important? »how does it fit into the big picture? »can I compare this concept to other similar ones? If so, then how is it different? »what is a real world example of this concept? l During the exam –read questions carefully –manage your time carefully
5 Most Important Information l Class 1 –User Centered Design (Slides 8-12, 14, 16-20, 26-29, 31) l Classes 2 and 3 –Task Analysis and Contextual Inquiry (Slides 7, 14-16, 22-25, 29) –Task Scenarios and Sketches (Slides 7-15, 24, 42, 44) l Classes 4 and 5 –Interface Metaphors and Conceptual Models (Slides 3, 5-6, 14-15, 24, 29-30, 45-46) –Design Principles (know the 10 heuristics of good design from Jakob Nielsen) –Expert Reviews (Slides 3-6, 18, 20) l Class 6 and 7 –Effective Use of Color (Slides 4-13, 26-27) –Web Design Patterns (Homepage) (all slides) –Web Design Patterns (E-commerce) (not covered on exam)
6 A Quick Topics List l User-Centered Design –definition of HCI –layers of the computer –definition of usability »5 usability metrics »economic benefits of improved usability –definition of the iterative, user-centered design process »task analysis (the triangle) »prototyping model –compare and contrast the waterfall model vs. iterative, user- centered design –software designer as architect »comparison of goals, process, etc. –what 5 elements make up a GUI screen design? »metaphors, …
7 A Quick Topics List l Team Project –compare and contrast “groups” vs. “teams” »you can think about this in terms of our comparison of how “groups” work in the waterfall model vs. how “teams” work in the prototyping model l Task analysis and Contextual Inquiry –task analysis questions –what makes a good task? –contextual inquiry »process (e.g., what should you do? what steps should you take?) »the concept of “partnership”, “master/apprentice relationship” »why is it so important to “observe” users in their environment?
8 A Quick Topics List l Task Scenarios and Sketches –tasks vs. scenarios of actual use vs. design »what makes a good task? what makes a good scenario? what should scenarios look like? »can you construct examples? »can you recognize problems in an example? –how do we select tasks to include in scenarios early in process? –what are the advantages of low-fidelity prototypes? –definition of storyboarding
9 A Quick Topics List l Interface Metaphors and Conceptual Models –definition of a mental model –how do users form their mental models? –user model vs. design model vs. user interface »there is a diagram that helps explain this relationship in the class notes –design guides for everyday objects (matching design and user models through the UI) »visibility (affordances, constraints, and crucial distinctions), metaphors, feedback –can you construct examples of these concepts? –can you recognize problems in an example?
10 A Quick Topics List l Design Principles –memorize the 10 heuristics of good GUI design presented in class »can you construct examples? »can you recognize heuristic violations in an example? –helpful suggestions for creating effective error messages l Expert Reviews –definition of heuristic evaluation –what are the steps to performing a heuristic evaluation?
11 A Quick Topics List l Effective Use of Color –physiology of the eye »chromeosteriopsis, cone composition, aging, color deficiency –complementary colors »implications for effective color combinations? –memorize resulting guidelines for using color »can you construct examples? »can you recognize principles in an example? »can you explain the reason underlying the guidelines?
12 A Quick Topics List l Web Design Patterns (Homepage) –4 main steps of the web design process »know the terminology »slight variation of the prototype model –Web design specialties »information design, navigation design, graphics design »definition of information architecture and user interface design in this context –6 ways to make a good homepage »can you construct examples? »can you recognize problems in an example? can you recommend solutions? »memorize some of the underlined terminology (solutions) in the class notes u Up-Front Value Proposition, Descriptive, Longer Link Names, Clear First Read, Consistent Sidebars of Related Content, etc. »review the Page Template presented in the class notes
13 Important Readings l These are worth revisiting –Contextual Inquiry –Creating Task Scenarios –Ten Usability Heuristics –Using Controls in Forms
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