The Distinct Membership of A Church Previously we’ve seen what makes the membership in the Church distinct. In this lesson, we’ll note how a Church is truly distinct when it works together the way God indicates that it should.
The Distinct Membership of A Church Remember from the previous lesson: “Church” is the called out - >a Christian community of believers on earth; or >saints in heaven; or both. Therefore, the Church comprises all the saved of all time (both heaven and earth). Whereas, a Church is limited to local congregational collectivity in a specific time and place. Rom.16:16; 1Cor.1:2; etc.
The Distinct Membership of A Church: Assembles Together, Heb.10:25 *Some passages use “the” to refer to a specified local congregation. **This implies a specified time, place, and purpose for assembling. >to Teach, 1Cor.14:19; Acts 2:42; 20:7 >to Pray, Acts 2:42; 12:5; 20:3-6; Eph.6:18ff >to Sing, 1Cor.14:15; Eph.5:19; Col.3:16 >to Eat the Lord’s Supper, 1Cor.11:20-29; Acts 20:7 >to Give as they have been prospered, 1Cor.16:1-2
The Distinct Membership of A Church: Practices Benevolence >Collectively for Saints, Acts 11:27-30; Rom.15:25-27; 1Cor.16:1-3; 1Tim.5:16 >and Individually for All, Gal.6:10; Jas.1:27 Practices Evangelism >Collectively, 2Cor.11:8; Phil.4:15ff; Acts 13:1-3 >Individually, Acts 8:4 > 11:19; 18:26 Practices Discipline >Collectively, 1Cor.5:1-13; 2Thess.3:6-15 >Individually, Matt.18:15-17; Gal.6:1; Jas.5:19
The Distinct Membership of A Church: Is Overseen by Elders/Pastors/Bishops >which all refer to the same office, Acts 20:17,28 >which is God’s plan, Phil.1:1; Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5 >with these qualifications, 1Tim.3:1-3; Titus 1:5-9 >and in this manner, 1Pet.5:1-3.
Now, when the Membership of A Church: Assembles together to teach, pray, sing, partake, and give, Practices benevolence both collectively and individually, Practices evangelism both collectively and individually, Practices discipline both collectively and individually, and Is Overseen by Elders/Pastors/Bishops, IT WILL BE DISTINCT!