Body Detox Programs “A basic guide to body cleansing” Jon Ruigrok, Randy Whitehead
What is Detoxing? Cleansing the body of harmful substances such as: –Heavy metals –Radiation –Geopathic stress –Excess of body chemicals –Emotional trauma –Cumulative life experiences
What is a Toxin? Dr. Haas defines it as, “any substance that creates irritating and or harmful effects in the body undermining our health or stressing our biochemical or organ function.”
Types of Programs Baths, saunas, hydrotherapy Diet and nutrition Exercise and body work Allergy Extracts, Herbs, and Chelation Current medical treatments
Diet and Nutrition; Super Foods Broccoli Beans and Lentils BeetrootBerriesCabbageCarrots Citrus Fruits GarlicWatercressGinger Cheese (non-dairy) HoneyNuts Oily fish OnionsRiceOilsTomatoes
Intolerances - build up of substances that the body finds difficult to process Dairy Products CaffeineAlcoholMaltYeast Wheat based products BarleyMaizeRye Refined flours Chocolate Refined sugar Refined starch
Diet and Nutrition; Fasting To go without food or drink for a period of time (24 hours). Helps body to heal and resist diseases, infections, and toxins. Allows body to rest; frees large amount of energy required for digestion Water or unsweetened herbal teas may be consumed during the fast.
Diet and Nutrition; Macrobiotics “the order of the universe”, and relates to the way food affects our mind and body. Stresses eating foods grown in the same conditions that we live Consists of 50-60% whole grains, 20-30% locally grown vegetables, 5-10% bean and seed vegetables, 5-10% soups, and 5% condiments and other foods. Body doesn’t have to work to balance or buffer foods and can spend this energy healing.
Nutritional Therapy Balance and moderation of essential foods Vitamin and mineral based Antioxidants: protect the body against free radicals that can damage tissues –Essential Nutrients Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Beta Carotene, Methionine –Enzymes normally found in the body Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Glutatione peroxidase
Questions? Gittleman, A.L., The Living Beauty Detox Program, 2000, New York. Krohn, J., Taylor, F.A., Prosser, J., Natural Detoxification, 1996, Hartley and Marks, Vancouver, B.C. Scrivner, J., Stay Young Detox, 2001, Judy Piatkus Ltd, London.