PPA 503 – The Public Policy- Making Process Lecture 9c – How to Deliver Oral Testimony Based on a Written Statement
Introduction Goal: To speak authoritatively and to answer questions responsively in public deliberation. Objective: Skill of writing speakable text, skill of speaking easily from written text, and readiness to answer anticipated and unanticipated questions.
Introduction Scope: Pinpointed topic pertinent to hearing’s purpose and the witness’s role. Product: Two expected communication products: Short oral summary. Full written statement. Strategy: Confident and useful public testimony resulting from advance preparation.
Developing a Testimony Present concisely and responding credibly to questions. Know the context. Know your message. Know your role. Know the communication situation. Rehearse your delivery.
Task #1. Write the Testimony Use the method in Chapter 2 for both the oral and written forms. Write out your oral summary, even if only talking points. Everything in an oral testimony is public record.
Task #1. Write the Testimony Template. Title page or header to identify organization and witness, the agency holding the hearing, the topic, the date, and the location of the hearing. Greeting to thank the organizers for the opportunity to testify and to state why the topic is important to the witness. Message to state the main information the testimony provides. Support (evidence, grounds) for the message. Relevance of the message to the hearing’s purpose. Optional: discussion or background to add perspective on the message (only if relevant). Closing to conclude the testimony and invite questions.
Task #2. Write the Full Statement Might use the same organization as the oral summary. May be longer, more details, and include appendices. Must be well organized to ensure use.
Task #3. Present the testimony. Summarize. State the message clearly and emphatically. Stay within time limits. Listen. Answer credibly.
Task #3. Present the testimony. Questions-and-answer. Listen to the questions of other witnesses. Make sure you hear each question correctly. Answer the question that is asked. Stop when you have answered the question. Do not lie or invent information. Handle the following situations carefully: You are asked your personal opinion. You don’t know the answer. Your credentials are challenged or your credibility is attacked.