Ian Oldfield, Metropolitan Police Service (New Scotland Yard), Interactive Offender Profiling System (IOPS) Ian Oldfield – Metropolitan Police Service (New Scotland Yard) The 8th International Investigative Psychology Conference - Dec 2005 Interactive Offender Profiling System (IOPS) ….. helping police with their enquiries ?
Ian Oldfield, Metropolitan Police Service (New Scotland Yard), Why build a system like IOPS? Systems currently do not deliver: Direct geographical point-data display (Crime / Incident locations) Mapped locations of offenders activity space / anchor points Behavioural / Feature Analysis Geographical Profiling Intuitive / Bespoke Analytical Processes Already have key systems: Crime Recording + Command and Control Systems Custody Systems Stop and Search Records System Criminal Intelligence System
Ian Oldfield, Metropolitan Police Service (New Scotland Yard), Ways that IOPS will support business Geocode all data including crime, offender, stops, arrests, etc Help build crime series through behavioural links Compare detected cases with undetected offences Develop a priority search area with Dragnet (geographical profiling) Select offender in priority area with similar criminal history Enable analysis of linked series in relation to offenders Inform TIC process Identify associate linkage Increase Detection Rate Create opportunities for early intervention
Ian Oldfield, Metropolitan Police Service (New Scotland Yard), Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Improved detection rate Data Improvement Early intervention Unproven Increased Training Unlinked to legacy I.T. GIS Interface Familiar Datasets New ways of viewing data Difficult Integration Competing Projects Priorities Change Challenges to implementation
Ian Oldfield, Metropolitan Police Service (New Scotland Yard), Summary Will change the way police view crime scenes and record features Review use of crime recording system as investigative and analytical tool Analysts beginning to appreciate the importance of anchor points Enhance analysis with a focus on behavioural as well as descriptive features Increased research activity on police data Success measured in terms of increased detections / crime reduction Developed successful academic / police partnership