The Potential of Eucalyptus Species As a Source of Biomass / Fibre In Ireland Kevin J Hutchinson David Thompson Bill Berkery
The Genus Eucalyptus Approximately 900 species Worldwide Mostly found in Australia Cultivated widely around the world North & South America, Africa Europe
Eucalyptus in Ireland First Irish planting in county Antrim in 1857 Since then various phases of planting Many different species tried Objective of producing logs for sawn timber Mixed results Drying / splitting problems JFK arboretum
Current Project 1992/93 number of plots of Eucalyptus established Mainly Eucalyptus nitens but also other species Forgotten about / Lack of management ‘Re-Discovered’ in 2007 Project group set up
Terms of Reference Terms of reference evolved Assess volume production of P 1992 / 93 plots Carry out processing trials of timber from these plots in Medite & Smartply Assess the energy value of the timber Establish new plots of Eucalyptus nitens and Eucalyptus globulus Assess the financial viability of growing Eucalyptus nitens on short rotations as a fibre source for Medite & Smartply or as a source of Bio energy
Volume Production Eucalyptus nitens best MAI varied from 18.6 to 41.1m 3 /ha Average MAI of 28m 3 /ha 1992/93 planting sites randomly selected Site selection should result in average MAI > 28m 3 /ha
Wexford Clearfell Site Clearfelled to obtain material for testing SpeciesEucalyptus nitens Age16 Years Stems per ha.740 Vol / ha418m 3 Mean tree0.56m 3 MAI26.1m 3
Processing Trials Medite – MDF Smartply – OSB Dundrum – Sawn Timber
Energy Production Work undertaken by Waterford Institute of Technology WIT Irish Eucalyptus nitens 28% higher oven dry density compared to Sitka spruce Suitable species for Biomass energy
Establishment Trials ,000 Eucalyptus nitens 10,000 Eucalyptus globulus ha’s Eucalyptus nitens ha’s Eucalyptus nitens 70ha Eucalyptus nitens ha’s 70ha Eucalyptus gunnii 30ha other species
Economic Analysis Looked at MAI Rotation Length Product – Pulp, Pallet, Sawlog, Energy Haulage distance from users Internal rate of return (IRR) Results Results were very encouraging on Coillte owned land When land price factored in – some form of grant aid is necessary
Issues Climate / Weather Species selection Site selection Bark / debarking Leaf Beetle Drying Grant aid