ModularTE “New Approaches in Technology Training-Development and Integration of European Modules in Technology Education” Obtained results from the questionnaires.


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Presentation transcript:

ModularTE “New Approaches in Technology Training-Development and Integration of European Modules in Technology Education” Obtained results from the questionnaires and overall evaluation of Italy Leonardo da Vinci Pilot Project Conference 6 – 9 June 2006 Larissa, Greece.

Practice 1 - Technology Education activities should be primarily conducted in classroom environment instead of workshop environment 2 - Technology awareness and technology literacy acquisitions, which are of the teaching functions of Technology Education, should not be seen possible through traditional work training programs.

Practice 3 -Technology Education should be considered to be part of general education in its existing application manner 4 -Technology Education should not be conducted without applications based on the projects where knowledge is transformed into practice 5 -Technology Education should be conducted in an understanding focused on visual arts.

Practice 6 - Technology Education should be given only in primary education, instead of giving it in pre-school, secondary and higher education.

Practice 7 - Studies that introduce the vocations included in Technology Education should be performed by guidance and pschological consultants, instead of Technology Education teachers. 8 - Two hours of course a week are enough for teaching processes at primary education level of Technology Education.

Practice 9 - Technology Education and computer training should be given in the processes that complement one another. 10 - Technology Education should not be related only with electronic equipment such as computers and their applications.

Practice 11 - Technology Education should be performed by more than one teacher in primary education, as it contains different branches of knowledge. 12 - Classroom environments are sufficient to achieve training acquisitions targeted by Technology Education.

Practice 13 - Technology Education is conducted far away from its function which introduces the qualities of working life. 14 - Technology Education should be conducted in a manner to cover primary education, secondary education and higher education as well, starting from pre-school period, in an understanding and process continuing lifetime. 15 - Though Technology Education contains different branches of knowledge, it should be conducted by uniform teachers.

Conclusions about “practice” Most of users agree that Technology Education should be conducted in a manner to cover primary education, secondary education and higher education as well. Most of users think that Technology Education should be primarily conducted in a classroom environment, but they also think that a part of the formation should be carried out in a workshop environment.

Method 1-Technology Education should be conducted focused on a structuralist teaching approach. 2 - General quality small vocational practices, in addition to knowledge, should also be included in Technology Education to bring forth vocational interests and talents of the students.

Method 3 - Technology Education should concentrate on cooperative learning. 4 - Technology Education should include project studies which could be performed both individually and in groups.

Method 5 - Technology Education should include trip and observation activities to ensure integrity between the school and the environment. 6 - Technology Education should include designing, obtaining numerical results, preparing graphics and teaching procedures.

Method 7 - Technology Education should stress on using the communication language of technical drawing. 8-Technology Education should include cost determination studies.

Method 9-In Technology Education, survey trips should be organized in order to observe vocational developments in site. 10 -In order to be informed of technologies, all kinds of machines, models, products, projects and parts, which ensure that technology is known better, should be brought to school or their similars should be examined.

Method 11-In Technology Education, in order to be able to participate in the technological process, the applications which provide interaction among the school, working life, and the environment should be directed from the classroom to the society and working life. 12 - In Technology Education, in order to develop technological information and skills, not only oral expressions should be used, but also making graphics, technical drawings, diagrams, plans,projects and designs should be focused on, in teaching and learning processes.

Method 13 - In Technology Education, in order to be able to use problem-solving methods effectively, students should be given exercises where they could use their own individual designing, planning and application capabilities, instead of giving them problems with solutions. 14-In Technology Education, practical subjects such as the discovery of electricity, its generation, its illuminating and heating effects, calculating electric power (watt) cost etc. should be taught.

Conclusions about “method” The users acknowledge the importance of Technology Education in bringing forth the vocational interests and talents of the students. The importance in Technology Education of teaching both theoretical aspects and practical subjects is put in evidence by the users. The method should comprise projects where knowledge is “transformed” into practice. Technological studies should involve applying technological knowledge & processes to real world experiences using up-to-date resources.

Vocational guidance 1 - Within the scope of Technology Education, business trips should be organized for vocational guidance. 2 - Within the scope of Technology Education, conferences introducing vocational fields should be organized for vocational guidance.

Vocational guidance 3 - Within the scope of Technology Education, vocational working environments and conditions should be introduced for vocational guidance. 4 - Within the scope of Technology Education, vocation-related jobs and works should be introduced by means of professionals to be invited to school for vocational guidance.

Vocational guidance 5 - Within the scope of Technology Education, guidance files related with physical and intellectual development of the students should be prepared for vocational guidance. 6 - Within the scope of Technology Education, for vocational guidance, students should be requested to select one of the jobs from a given job list and to defend it based on grounds in an approach that “every job is important”.

Vocational guidance 7 - Within the scope of Technology Education, for vocational guidance, students should be taught in practice how they should act in front of events which may be encountered in real life, such as application for a job, request for electricity or telephone connections etc. 8-Within the scope of Technology Education, for vocational guidance, types of interests which would allow the students to know their own fields of interest should be determined in an approach of

Conclusions about “vocational guidance” The results of vocational guidance questionnaire put in evidence the importance of allowing the students to recognize their own fields of interest, by involving them in different activities. Vocation guidance may also involve survey trips, conferences, and meeting with professionals. The primary aim of these activities is to allow the individuals talents of the students to emerge and develop.

Adaptation to Industry 1 - The development process of technology should be included in Technology Education for adaptation to industry. 2 - Within the scope of Technology Education, industry-focused training courses should be given to provide adaptation to industry.

Adaptation to Industry 3 - Within the scope of Technology Education, a reciprocal training interaction should be established between small and medium-size industrial enterprises and Faculties of Education for adaptation to industry. 4 - Within the scope of Technology Education, educational processes intended for acquiring general technologic information, skills and attitudes should be followed for adaptation to industry.

Adaptation to Industry 5 - Within the scope of Technology Education, a current and live information center, introducing possibilities and conditions of employment in industry, focused on “technology education and its industrial connection” should be established over Internet, for adaptation to industry. 6 - Within the scope of Technology Education, studies related with industrial products quality certificates should be conducted to facilitate adaptation to industry

Adaptation to Industry 7 - Within the scope of Technology Education, studies focused on industrial vocational standards should be conducted to facilitate adaptation to industry. 8 - In Technology Education, studies introducing changes in production systems should be conducted.

Adaptation to Industry 9 - In order to adapt Technology Education to industry, coordinated contributions by labor-employer organizations, industrial establishments and educational institutions should be provided. 10 - In order to adapt Technology Education to industry, it should be ensured that school is integrated into industry and working life.

Conclusions about “Adaptation to industry” From the results of this questionnaire, the need for an integration between school and industry emerges. Such a connection may be realized by means of studies related with industrial products, or with changes in production systems, etc.

Teacher 1-A Technology Education teacher should have sufficient knowledge and experience in various subjects, such as science, math, energy, production, technical drawing etc. 2-A Technology Education teacher should be familiar with cultural, social and economical effects of information technologies.

Teacher 3-A Technology Education teacher should stress on project management in teaching processes, as a basis of understanding technology. 4-A Technology Education teacher should stress on project management in teaching processes, which would transform the knowledge into works, products and services by means of project studies confirming to the fields of interest of the students and to the real life, as a basis of understanding technology.

Teacher 5 - A Technology Education teacher should encourage students to be autonomous and entrepreneur by means of production activities. 6-A Technology Education teacher should prepare a medium to take advantage of other disciplinary fields (such as science, math, tecnical drawing etc.) in educational operations such as calculating, obtaining numerical conclusions, drawing and writing grounds in project studies.

Teacher 7-A Technology Education teacher should know the principles of planning, placing and arranging physical rooms such as workshops, labs, offices etc. related with technological training. 8-A Technology Education teacher should cause the students to conduct studies that develop their vocational skills and attitudes for the purpose of improving their individual work abilities and their self-confidence.

Teacher 9-A Technology Education teacher should cause students to perform workshop practices based on technology, instead of classroom studies in acquiring self-confidence ,self-control, sensitivity, responsibility and group-relation properties. 10-A Technology Education teacher should prepare two and three-dimension visual materials, such as graphics, designs, photos, pictures, posters etc., intended for training in teaching processes.

Teacher 11-A Technology Education teacher should introduce technological developments, by giving examples of publications and products. 12-A Technology Education teacher should use tables, instead of desks according to group works in classroom and workshop environments. 13-A Technology Education teacher should apply a “U” order in classroom placement so as the teacher’s table to be in the middle and students’ desks to be around it, in order to facilitate that the students interact and communicate face to face with one another and with the teacher.

Conclusions about “teacher” The teacher should have both technological skills and human capabilities: In fact, he should have sufficient knowledge and experience in various technological subjects, but at the same time he should be able to encourage students to be autonomous and responsible.

Teacher training 1-A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain a field of learning technology culture. 2 - A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain a field of learning vocations.

Teacher training 3 - A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain a field of learning project studies. 4 - A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain a field of learning production activities.

Teacher training 5 - In raising a Technology Education teacher, a program focused on industrial technology and design should be followed. 6 - In raising a Technology Education teacher, an artistic dimension should be included as well as a technological understanding.

Teacher training 7 - A Technology Education program should be designed in knowledge, skills and attitudes dimensions. 8 - A Technology Education program should be focused on acquiring technological culture.

Teacher training 9 - A Technology Education program should give special importance on introducing vocational fields. 10 - A Technology Education program should be supported by project studies to be selected according to students’ fields of interest and their talents.

Teacher training 11 - A Technology Education program should include general production studies directed to acquiring vocational knowledge, skills and attitudes. 12 - A Technology Education program should be designed from interdisciplinary subjects, based on scientific principles.

Teacher training 13 - A Technology Education program should be designed so as to include scientific, social, educational, cultural and economical effects of technology. 14 - A Technology Education program should handle individual, social and industrialization relations of technology and it should introduce working life.

Teacher training 15-A Technology Education program should be based on introducing and using new Technologies in teaching, learning and evaluation processes.

Conclusions about “Teacher training” The users inidicate that the a Technology Education teacher raising program should contain different fields of learning, such as technology culture, vocations, project studies, etc. Some doubts have been expressed about the affirmation that a raising program should be focused on industrial technology and design.

Program A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain fields of learning (1): Control Electrics-Electronics Computer Energy Construction Wood working

Program A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain fields of learning (2): Metals Machine Plastics Graphics Ceramics Textile

Program A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain fields of learning (3): Transport Nourishment Financing Mechatronics Automotive Environment

Program 19 - A Technology Education teacher raising program should contain fields of learning "Journalism".

Conclusions about “Program” The users indicate that different fields of learning should be included in a Technology Education teacher raising program. The fields that have received the greater agreement are “Electric-Electronic”, “Computer”, “Mechatronic”, “Automotive” and “Environment” Significant doubts have been raised by the users about the opportunity of including the “Journalism” among the fields of learning.

General conclusions The general indications provided by the users can be summarized as follows: Practice should be performed mainly in a classroom environment, but a complementary work in a workshop environment is necessary Technology training should involve not only primary school, instead it should be also given in higher grade levels. The ultimate goal is: technological literacy for everyone (technological literacy = the ability to use, manage and understand technology).

General conclusions The general indications provided by the users can be summarized as follows: Technology Education should give the students to ability to use concepts from science, mathematics, social studies, and the humanities as tools for managing technological systems Technology training should allow the students to understand and recognize their own individual predispositions, also by adopting specific programs including project studies to be selected according to students’ field of interest. Vocational guidance can be performed also by means of business trips, conferences, and meetings with professionals.

General conclusions The general indications provided by the users can be summarized as follows: A Technology Education teacher should have sufficient knowledge and experience in different subjects, such as science, math, technical drawing, etc. A Teacher raising program may contain different fields of learning, such as technology culture, vocations, project studies, etc. Also, he should be able to encourage the students in recognizing and developing their own individual talents.

General conclusions The general indications provided by the users can be summarized as follows: A connection between the Technology Education program and the industrial life should be realized, also by including in the program a number of aspects strictly related to the industry, such as production systems, market conditions, etc.

General conclusions The general indications provided by the users can be summarized as follows: Different fields of learning should be included in the Technology Education teacher raising program, involving not only information technology, but also more traditional technology fields, such as wood working, metals, and ceramics.