(c) Dr. David Gadish BUS 101 – Introduction to Higher Education Prof. David Gadish Lecture 7
(c) Dr. David Gadish Chapter 7: LISTENING, MEMORY, AND TEST TAKING
(c) Dr. David Gadish HOW CAN YOU BECOME A BETTER LISTENER? Manage Listening ChallengesManage Listening Challenges –Divided Attention and Distractions –Shutting out the Message –The Rush to Judgment –Partial Hearing Loss and Learning Disabilities
(c) Dr. David Gadish HOW DOES MEMORY WORK? Three Stages:Three Stages: –Encoding Stage –Storage Stage –Retrieval Stage Sensory MemorySensory Memory –Short-term memory –Long-term memory
(c) Dr. David Gadish Encoding Stage Information is changed into usable form.Information is changed into usable form. Your are encoding, for example, when you study a list of chemistry formulas.Your are encoding, for example, when you study a list of chemistry formulas.
(c) Dr. David Gadish Storage Stage Information is held in memory for late use.Information is held in memory for late use. For example, after you complete your studying of the formulas, your mind stores them until you need to use them.For example, after you complete your studying of the formulas, your mind stores them until you need to use them.
(c) Dr. David Gadish Retrieval Stage Memories are recovered from storage by recall.Memories are recovered from storage by recall. For example, your mind would retrieve the chemistry formulas when had to take a test to solve a problem.For example, your mind would retrieve the chemistry formulas when had to take a test to solve a problem.
(c) Dr. David Gadish HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY? Memory Improvement StrategiesMemory Improvement Strategies –Develop a will to remember –Understand what you memorize –Recite, Rehearse, and Write –Separate Main Points from Unimportant Details –Study During Short but Frequent Sessions –Separate Material into Manageable Sections –Use Visual Aids
(c) Dr. David Gadish HOW CAN YOU IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY? Mnemonic DevicesMnemonic Devices –Create Visual Images and Associations that rely on words alone –Create acronyms from an entire sentence in which the first letter of each word in the sentence stands for the first letter of each memorized term
(c) Dr. David Gadish HOW CAN TAPE RECORDERS HELP YOU LISTEN, REMEMBER, AND STUDY? Provide helpful backup to your listening and memory skills and to your study materialsProvide helpful backup to your listening and memory skills and to your study materials Let the tape recorder be an additional resource for you instead of a replacement for your active participation and skillsLet the tape recorder be an additional resource for you instead of a replacement for your active participation and skills
(c) Dr. David Gadish HOW CAN PREPARATION HELP IMPROVE YOUR TEST SCORES? Identify Test Type and Material CoveredIdentify Test Type and Material Covered Use Specific Study SkillsUse Specific Study Skills Prepare PhysicallyPrepare Physically Conquer Test AnxietyConquer Test Anxiety
(c) Dr. David Gadish Identify Test Type and Material Covered Use PQ3R to identify important ideas and factsUse PQ3R to identify important ideas and facts If you know people who took the instructor’s course before, ask them about class testsIf you know people who took the instructor’s course before, ask them about class tests Examine old tests if instructors make them available in class or on reserve in the libraryExamine old tests if instructors make them available in class or on reserve in the library
(c) Dr. David Gadish Use Specific Study Skills Choose Study MaterialsChoose Study Materials Set a Study ScheduleSet a Study Schedule Use Critical ThinkingUse Critical Thinking Take a pretestTake a pretest
(c) Dr. David Gadish Conquer Test Anxiety Prepare so you’ll feel in controlPrepare so you’ll feel in control Put the test in perspectivePut the test in perspective Make a study planMake a study plan Practice RelaxationPractice Relaxation
(c) Dr. David Gadish WHAT STRATEGIES CAN HELP YOU SUCCEED ON TESTS? Write Down Key FactsWrite Down Key Facts Begin With an Overview of the ExamBegin With an Overview of the Exam Know the Ground RulesKnow the Ground Rules Use Critical Thinking to Avoid ErrorsUse Critical Thinking to Avoid Errors Master Different Types of Test QuestionsMaster Different Types of Test Questions