Thoughts on B-Field Uniformity for the SD Tracker SID Tracking Meeting October 22, 2004 Bruce Schumm UC Santa Cruz March 2001 Baseline Thanks to Harry Weerts!
Gaseous Tracking: spec is (I believe) B r /B z < What is corresponding spec for Si tracking? Sources of concern: Pattern recognition and curvature reconstruction (will not address) Pulse development (will address)
Pulse Development Simulation Long Shaping-Time Limit: strip sees signal if and only if hole is col- lected onto strip (no electrostatic coupling to neighboring strips) Incorporates: Landau statistics (SSSimSide; Gerry Lynch LBNL), detector geometry and orientation, diffusion and space-charge, Lorentz angle, electronic response
Faking the Magnetic Field Different B-Fields (B-field) or detector tilt to simulate Lorentz angle (Tilted) Resolution Magnetic Field (T) Michael Young, UCSC Resolution slightly better for lower Bfield
Efficiency versus Track Angle Need to tilt detectors to regain efficiency? (but this is for =10, =90 – worst case) Michael Young, UCSC Efficiency won’t fall off as fast with track angle
What do the experts (ATLAS, CMS) say? (Thanks to Alex Grillo, ATLAS) ATLAS has a 2T solenoidal field In the farthest reaches of their Si tracking, B r /B z 5%, so B r 0.1T. If this spec is driven by relative considerations, then this is a 5% requirement. If spec driven by absolute considerations (B r < 0.1T), then this is a 2% requirement. WHAT ABOUT CMS?