- Differential experiments: - Charged particle emission DDX - Gamma-ray production cross section - (n,2n) reaction cross section with a beam source - Integral.


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Presentation transcript:

- Differential experiments: - Charged particle emission DDX - Gamma-ray production cross section - (n,2n) reaction cross section with a beam source - Integral experiments: - Leakage gamma-ray spectra from slabs - Secondary gamma-ray skyshine Fusion Neutronics Activity at Osaka University in

Measurements of double differential cross sections for charged particle emission reactions by 14 MeV neutrons Samples: nat Si and 19 F Facility:OKTAVIAN, pulsed neutrons Machine time:4 weeks in 2000 Method:2-dimensional analysis of energy and time-of- flight (E-TOF) Remarks:Bayes’ estimation method was successfully introduced to correct energy loss in thick samples. Compound samples were successfully employed for light element measurements. Result: Agreement is not good with the evaluated nuclear data for both elements.

The DDX, EDX and ADX data for nat Si(n,xp) reaction

Measurements of secondary gamma-ray production cross sections with Hp-Ge detector induced by 14 MeV Neutrons Samples: nat Sn Facility:OKTAVIAN, pulsed neutrons Machine time:2 weeks in 2000 Method: TOF-gated PHS analysis Remarks:Discrete and continuum components were successfully extracted from the measured pulse height spectrum (PHS) with Hp-Ge (the results were still preliminary). Result: The present data are the first measured discrete gamma- ray production cross sections for nat Sn.

(n,2n) reaction cross section measurement with a beam DT neutron source Samples: 55 Mn (to check the system) Facility:FNS, pencil beam neutrons Machine time:6 weeks in Method:Coincidence detection and pulse shape discrimination Remarks:The method to directly measure the spectra of two neutrons emitted from (n,2n) reaction has been established. Result: For 55 Mn, the measured (n,2n) cross section was in good agreement with the experimental value obtained by the activation method.

The results of ADX for 55 Mn(n,2n) reaction

Fusion neutronics benchmark experiment - leakage gamma-ray spectrum measurement - Samples:LiAlO 2, Li 2 TiO 3, Li 2 ZrO 3 12 C, 51 V, nat Fe, nat Cu, nat Pb, nat W Facility:FNS, pulsed neutrons Machine time:4 weeks in Method:TOF-gated PHS analysis Remarks:A high-energy resolution measurement for a wide energy range from 0.05 to 15 MeV was realized. Validation has been carried out for five nuclear data files, i.e., JENDL- 3.2, JENDL fusion file, ENDF/B-VI, FENDL/E-1.0 and FENDL/E-2.0. Result: nat V: Underestimation of all the nuclear data files. nat Fe: Overestimation of JENDL-3.2. nat Pb: Reproduction is not good for JENDLs 16 O: 6 MeV peak is not reproduced by JENDLs.

Leakage gamma-ray spectrum for vanadium

Evaluated gamma-ray emission the EDX of nat V C/E of leakage gamma-ray for scattering angle

Secondary gamma-ray skyshine from 14 MeV neutron source facility Facility:FNS, DC neutrons ( ~ 1x10 11 ) Machine time:2 weeks in 2002 Detector:NaI(5”x5”,8”x8”), Hp-Ge(40%) Remarks:Clean skyshine benchmark data can be obtained up to 1000 m from the neutron source. Result: Preliminary experiment has been done under the plug- in condition (the plug is just above the source and on the ceiling) at 140 m from the facility.