The Wold Lab BioHub Cory Tobin
Collaborators Brandon King Joe Roden Diane Trout Dr. Barbara
Goal Standardize the relationship between biological data Integrate all of the data seamlessly Provide novel methods to search for and analyze data
Adapted from
My Contribution Implement a database for homology data
Background Species A Species B Paralogs Orthologs The more general term is “homology” Gene
Requirements Be more accurate and flexible than HomoloGene Work in real time Make sense of HomoloGene’s misleading data
Rationale Gene They are similar Gene HomoloGene BioHub They are related like this
Rationale Continued Human Genome Mouse Genome Seq ASeq B HomoloGene would BLAST seq A against mouse and determine that seq C is an ortholog of seq A. Seq C HomoloGene would also BLAST seq B against mouse and detrmine that seq C is an ortholog of seq B. BioHub will BLAST seq A against mouse, find seq C, then BLAST C back against human to see if there are any better matches. It will find seq B to be better.
Methods Design data relationships that make sense biologically Generate the low-level database interaction code Parse and load HomoloGene’s data into our database Write biologically useful functions Create a web-based interface for easy use
Materials ArgoUML – Design Aid Pymerase – Design Implementation PostgreSQL – Database HomoloGene – Data Source Python – Programming Language
Current State Design data relationships that make sense biologically Generate the low-level database interaction code Parse and load HomoloGene’s data into our database Write biologically useful functions Create a web-based interface for easy use
Example Usage Sequence of Interest …GGATACAAAATTCCTC… Are there any known genes in this sequence? acetyl - coenzyme A dehydrogenase ( Human ) (cont.)
acetyl - coenzyme A dehydrogenase ( Human ) Are there any homologs? Mouse Rat Mosquito Fruit fly Nematode (cont.)
How are those genes related?
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