THE TROUBLED RISE TO POWER Tsar Alexei died in 1676 Son Feodor succeeds him But dies in 1682 with no heir Rival families, NARYSHKINS & MILOSLAVSKIIS contend for power 10-year old Peter made Tsar Mother Natalia Naryshkina = regent
PETER THE GREAT THE TROUBLED RISE TO POWER Miloslavskiis, led by Alexei’s daughter SOPHIA, start Streltsy rebellion Make Ivan “senior tsar,” Peter “junior tsar” Sophia made regent
PETER THE GREAT THE TROUBLED RISE TO POWER Reign of Sophia (r ) Very strong, politically astute Closest advisor = Vasilii Golitsyn Could not maintain popular support Defeated by Peter in 1689
PETER THE GREAT PETER I (r ) Peter’s background Hated Streltsy, Moscow Loved all things military Big partier Fascinated by West
PETER THE GREAT PETER I (r ) Determined to transform “backward” Russia Westernization Secularization Modernization
PETER THE GREAT PETRINE REFORM Economic Change Early industrialization State ran show = Mercantilism Military needs determined economic policies Coercion was large part of reform All production for benefit of state
PETER THE GREAT PETRINE REFORM Political Reform State = most important part of society Everyone’s role = serve state Changed entire structure of administration created large bureaucracy organized govt. into COLLEGES
PETER THE GREAT PETRINE REFORM Church Reform Created Most Holy Governing Synod to administer Church Church = state institution & champion of autocracy Intensified struggle against schismatics (Old Believers)
PETER THE GREAT PETRINE REFORM Social Changes Table of Ranks (1722) Sweeping social change boyars & gentry merged new order = state peasants eliminated church peasants abolished slavery Levied SOUL TAX
PETER THE GREAT PETRINE REFORM Methods of control Extensive police system Internal PASSPORT system Used confessional to spy
PETER THE GREAT PETRINE REFORM Educational Reform Required all noble boys to be educated Reorganized education system Established universities, Academy of Science, national libraries & museums