Complication after Procedure Resident Name, MD Attending Name, MD Institution Morbidity & Mortality Conference Date
Patient Initials: Background Age, Gender History of Present Illness Relevant PMH, PSH, including Risk Factors Relevant meds only if needed Pre-op picture(s)
Operative Plan / Procedure Procedure Performed – Other surgical options considered – Operative details Intra-op picture(s)
Post-op Course & Complication Brief account of relevant events leading to complication Name of complication Management of complication
Complication Complication picture
Post-Complication Course Resolution of clinical course Patient’s current status Future plans Final picture(s)
Summary Complication: “One- liner” naming complication after named procedure “What I would do differently” Codman Classification Error due to lack of technical knowledge or skill Error due to lack of surgical judgment Error due to lack of care or equipment Error due to lack of diagnostic skill The patient’s enfeebled condition The patient’s unconquerable disease The patient’s refusal of treatment The calamities of surgery or those accidents and complications over which we have no control
Discussion Didactic teaching point(s) Faculty discussion question(s)