IR-4 National Meeting Sept Tampa, FL Nichino America Inc. Jim Adams, Manager, Product Development Marie Maks-Regulatory Affairs Manager Phone: (302) Web site:
Fenpyroximate A miticide and insecticide Akari® 5 SC FujiMite® 5 EC Portal™ 5 EC
FENPYROXIMATE Miticide / Insecticide Activity Excellent broad-spectrum miticide on row crops, fruit and vegetables Controls all life stages on contact Residual, non-lethal rates inhibit molting Controls immature stages of leafhoppers, mealybug, citrus thrips, pear Psylla, Asian Citrus Psyllid and has contact activity on whitefly (including Q biotype) Soft on beneficial insects and predatory mites Use rate of lb. Active ingredient per acre One to two applications by ground only Important tool for resistance management Mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor
New IR-4 Crop Tolerances Established for 2007 Use Season Citrus crop group 10 Mint Hops Tree Nuts crop group 14
IR-4 and Interests for Fenpyroximate Strawberries Priority D (NC, CA, TN) +European data with ChemSAC committee of EPA Caneberry Priority D (AR, NC, OK, GA) Avocado New PCR (CA) Banana New PCR (FL) Cantaloupe Priority B(FL) Petition under review Cucumber Priority C (AZ, NC, FL) Squash Priority E (NC) Eggplant-fruiting veg (NC, SC) Petition under review for crop group Sorghum Priority E (TX) Mango New PCR Snapbean (FL) New PCR
Canadian Submission Greenhouse tomatoes and Cucumbers in 2009 Field crops and other greenhouse crops not confirmed at this time
Buprofezin Courier 40 SC Applaud 70 DF Centaur WDG Talus 40 SC
Insects Controlled Whiteflies Mealybugs, including Gill’s Leafhoppers, planthoppers, glassy-winged sharpshooter Soft scales: citricola, black, brown soft, white peach Armored scales: cactus, Calfornia red scale, Oystershell, San Jose Use rate of lbs. a.i./acre for in-row crops; lbs. a.i./ for pests on tree nut and tree fruit crops IGR that controls immature stages of insects (1 st to 5 th instar); complements other IGRs and other insecticides Very soft on beneficials
IR-4 Recent New Tolerances For 2008 use season: Stone Fruit Crop Group 12 Mango, papaya with 3 day PHI Grapes with 7 day PHI
IR-4 Residue Tolerance Petitions Submitted / Anticipated for Submission to EPA Strawberry (notice of filing) PRIA date of July, 2008 Celery and Spinach to complete leafy vegetables (notice of filing) PRIA date of July, 2008 Brassica vegetables (Crop Group 5) residues to be completed calendar 2007 Eggplant / Bell Pepper/Okra (Crop Group 8) and 1 day PHI on field and greenhouse tomatoes (submitted August, 2007 to EPA) Olive (notice of filing) PRIA date of July, 2008 Cantalope, squash, cucumbers Coffee
IR-4 and Interests for Buprofezin Broccoli (AZ, GA, CA, TX) Priority D: Manufacturer’s objective Mustard Greens (NC, TX, NC, NJ, SC) Priority B Manufacturer’s objective Turnip greens (NC,SC) Priority C Manufacturer’s objective Collard greens (NC,SC) Priority D Pomegranate Priority E (CA)
Canadian Submission By late 2007 for greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers Field crops and other greenhouse crops not confirmed at this time
Tolfenpyrad NAI EC NAI SC
Chemical Details on Tolfenpyrad Chemical Name: 4-chloro-3-ethyl-1- methyl-N-[4-p-tolyloxy)benzyl] pyrazole -5-carboxamide Empirical Formula: C 21 H 22 Cl N 3 O 2 Molecular Weight: Code Number: NAI-2302
Insects Controlled Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Thysanoptera, and Acarina Poisoning by ingestion; contact activity; anti- feeding activity against leps Target Crops: Vegetables, Cucurbits, Cole Crops Fruits & Nuts Selected row crops Ornamentals
Efficacy Trials Use rate to lb. a.i/acre ( grams ai / hectare) 14 – 27 oz/a (15% EC and 15% SC formulations)
IR-4 Interest Green onions Priority D (SC) Dry bulb onions Priority E (NY) Ornamentals Priority A Frankliniella occidentalis Epitrrix spp. Scirtothrips dorsalis Thrips simplex Popillia japonica Pyrrhalta viburni
U.S. Registration Timeline Submit non-crop indoor greenhouse use early 2008 as reduced risk candidate Submit crop uses with residue chemistry data by 2010 as reduced risk candidate
Canadian Submission By 2008 for greenhouse use Field crops not confirmed at this time
Flubendiamide- Based Insecticides NNI-0771 NNI-0772 NNI-0776
US Registration Timeline Submission to EPA 2008 Commercial Launch 2009
Pyrifluquinazon NNI-0101
Possible IR-4 Interests Onion thrips (PCR submitted) Aphid, Thrip, Whitefly, Mealybug and Scale control on ornamentals
US Registration Timeline Submit as non-crop to EPA by 2009 Submit food crop uses by 2011
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