by Brian Meehan and Justin Shipley
What is Podcasting? Podcasting, (non-streamed webcast) a collection of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released regularly over the web
Where it got its name? The original word for podcast was called “webcast” but due to the ever rising popularity of the iPod and its increasing innovation of web feeds they changed the name to podcast
How is it different than other forms of download Podcasting differentiates itself from other modes of downloading such as direct downloading and streaming due to the fact the entire collection of audio or video files are all centrally located on the distributor’s server as something called a “web feed” or a “data format used for providing users with frequently updated content”
How to access a Podcast? The listener or viewer must utilize a special “client application software” known as a “podcatcher” that can access this web feed, check it for updates, and download any new files in the series
Heres a short list of podcatcher client software
- a free podcast client designed for the visually · AudioShell - freeware MS Windows Explorer shell extension plugin which allows you to view and edit music file tags directly in Windows Explorer.AudioShell · BitsCast - freeware RSS/podcast reader that supports both iPods and Microsoft Media PlaysForSure devices.BitsCast · BlogMatrix Sparks! - An all-in-one podcasting solution that lets you record, mix, share, publish, store and listen.BlogMatrix Sparks! · CITA RSS Aggregator - a RSS feed reader includes keyword alerts, support for password login, per-channel settings, proxy support, support for RSS enclosures (Podcasts) and a tool to remove persistent adverts from RSS feeds.CITA RSS Aggregator · CustomReader - a customizable podcast client that can be "branded" to match a website.CustomReader · Doppler - Doppler is a podcast aggregator. It’s a tool to subscribe to RSS feeds which supply downloadable files. Doppler will go out and fetch the files enclosed in the RSS feed and will automatically add them to your preferred media player.Doppler · Golden Ear - an easy to use old-school style podcast receiver; styled to look like an retro radio and designed to be as easy to use.Golden Ear · HappyFish - free podcast client that will automatically sync podcasts to most mp3 players (and ipods too)HappyFish · iPodderX - cross-platform media aggregator that handles podcasts, vlogs and other files distributed using newsfeeds.iPodderX · iTunes - Apple has announced support for listening to podcasts within iTunes.iTunes · Juice - (formerly iPodder) Lets users select and download shows and music and to play whenever they want on their iPods, portable digital media players, or computers automatically.Juice · Newzee - A feed reader that allows you to create your own news catalog from your preferred sources, that is automatically kept up to date with the latest headlines that are sent from the sources. Newzie features system tray notification (on feed updates), feed statistics, color coding, filtering, search, and support for enclosure (podcast) files.Newzee · NewzCrawler - news aggregator with built-in podcast receiverNewzCrawler · nimiq - Nimiq is Windows podcasting client. Subscribe to a podcast and Nimiq automatically downloads audio and video enclosures. Subscribing is easy using the build in podcast directory browser. Download bittorrent files using the built-in bittorrent support.nimiq · Podcast Amp - free tool that lets you preview and play podcasts.Podcast Amp · PodNova - offers a custom version of iPodder that supports OPML and integrates with the PodNova site.PodNova · PodPuppy - free podcast client - requires.NET framework.PodPuppy · Podsage - freeware podcast client with large directory of podcasts.Podsage · Podspider - podcast client with integrated podcast directoryPodspider · Prime Time Podcast - features all in the same application an embedded media player, WMP/iTunes playlist support, Automatic AAC bookmarkable conversion for iTunes/iPod users, podcast directory browsing and media list browsing.Prime Time Podcast · Pwopcatcher - a free podcast downloader, player and manager application for Windows.Pwopcatcher · Replay Radio - lets you capture podcasts, broadcast radio shows and XM Radio.Replay Radio · RSSRadio - easy to use podcasting software for Windows.RSSRadio · Synclosure - Synclosure is a RSS aggregator to flexibly download files in enclosures. It supports filter keywords, custom actions and a caching mechanism. (Source code available for other platforms).Synclosure · TVTonic - A video podcast reader optimized for Windows Media Center. It makes watching podcasts like using a DVR (digital video recorder) on your television.TVTonic · WinAmp - commercial audio app with free Lite option, supports podcastsWinAmp · Yamipod - freeware application to efficiently manage your iPod under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux.Yamipod · Ziepod - an easy-to-use toolkit to reach and manage audio-based content published through podcasts.Ziepod
More about podcasting Audio files that can be downloaded at the listener’s convenience. Podcasting combines the freedom of blogging with the audio technology of mp3’s. Unlike internet radio, listeners do not have to tune in a specific time and can listen to their show whenever they like.
More about podcasting cont. You can go to specific podcast websites or iTunes to download your favorite shows. Files can be downloaded to your computer and then can be transferred to your mp3 player so you can listen on the go.
Podcast History Podcasting was developed by MTV video disc jockey Adam Curry and software developer Dave Winer in Curry wrote a program called iPodder so that he could download internet radio broadcasts to his iPod.
Creating Your Own Podcast Podcasting is great because anyone can create and publish their own radio show. You can be a DJ or host a talk show and discuss anything you want. It’s similar to blogging but you have the benefit of audio. Also, podcasting is free from any government regulation. Unlike radio, Podcasts to not have to conform to any copyright or FCC regulations.
Creating Your Own Podcast cont. All you need is a microphone and an audio recording software program. Then you record your file and upload it to any podcast website.
My podcasts Toucher and Rich 98.5 The Sports Hub