Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop HPAI Activities FSM, Palau and RMI Fiji July
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Sample Collection for AI testing In November 2005, Mr. Engly Ioanis from COM FSM Land Grant was trained by the SPC Epidemiologist Veterinarian, Mr. Steve Angus in Fiji on how to collect samples from poultry for identification. In December 2005,Mr Ioanis went to Palau and Yap to conduct training on the collection of blood and swab samples for identification.
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Sample Collection for AI testing cont. In early January 2006 training on sample collection was conducted in RMI, Chuuk, Kosrae and Pohnpei. In addition to the sample collection Emergency Response Planning for Avian Influenza was included in the training.
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Sample collection Swabs sample collection from throat and cloacal. Blood sample collection from the brachial vein
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Sample Collection Training in Chuuk on how to collect blood samples. Participants practicing on the collection of blood samples
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Post Mortem Demonstration of equipment needed for sample testing and post mortem Showing the participants the different body part of a poultry
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop General Emergency Response Planning (GERP) In 2005 several workshops were organized by SPC to draft Generic Emergency Response Planes. In the North Pacific one workshop was held in Guam for Guam, Palau and Yap and one workshop was held in Pohnpei for FSM and RMI. Specific ERP, e.g. Avian Influenza, Brown Tree Snake or others. can be build onto the Generic ERP,
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop AI Emergency Response Planning In March 2006 a 3 days workshop was organized in Palau. In addition to the Palau Pandemic Influenza Response Plan for human from the Palau Health Department a additional ERP was drafted for poultry. With the help of the SPC Vet and the SPC PPM 9 Standard Operational Procedures were drafted during the 3-days workshop.
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop ERP workshop in Palau
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Operational Chief Mr. Adelino Lorens
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Working Groups Pohnpei Avian Influenza Contingency Committee. Field Surveillance/Sample Collection Team Disinfection Team Destruction Team, disposal of Animals Sample Preservation and Packaging Public Relations Officer
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) # 1 SOP for Protection of Personal This include Safety First Which people need to use protective equipment People who work with AI suspicious or AI confirmed animals in infected areas What protective equipment is recommended e.g. N95 respirator masks, goggles, heavy duty rubber work gloves, coveralls, boots, head cover apron
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) # 2 SOP Suspected Cases Commercial farms 5% mortality rate over 24 hrs and for individual households, more than 1 chicken dead over 24 hours shall trigger immediate investigation from the response team. Investigation procedures, field visit by surveillance and sample team
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Symptoms of AI Infected Birds Hemorrhages Fever Respiratory distress Infested birds shed Saliva Nasal secretions Feces
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) # 3 SOP for Surveillance Passive Surveillance, e.g. Public Awareness and education (Schools, Communities radio announcement leaflets. Active Surveillance, e.g. Incident investigation, sample collection and reporting including mapping Wild birds surveillance and monitoring Data collection and mapping GIS mapping
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) SOP # 4 Sample Collection from Poultry Live Birds Blood samples2.5 ml per bird using a g needle and/or swab samples collected from throat and cloacal Dead Birds Swab or tissue samples
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) SOP# 5 for Packaging, labeling and dispatch According to SPC manual Information to be forwarded with the specimens Contacts for Import Permit List of 6 OIE reference experts and laboratories
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) SOP # 6 Quarantine Area In case of suspected or confirmed outbreak of AI put household, farm/village under restriction. Movement Restriction (3 km) radius ( no movement on free-ranging chicken. Heightened& Targeted Surveillance Zone (10km) active surveillance of all poultry units within the 10km radius
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP SOP # 7 for Disinfection All units which are physically of functionally connected to the establishment must be properly disinfected. All vehicle, people working with poultry and equipment going out of the infected area must be washed and disinfected. A list of disinfectants is provided
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP SOP # 8 Procedures for Humane Slaughter of Poultry Shall be done onsite as humanely and as quickly as possible. Manual dislocation of the neck is the preferred choice for humane slaughtering of small numbers of birds in suspected or infected sites
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) SOP # 9 of Carcass Disposal & Infected Material Incineration is the technique of choice
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) SOP # 10 Procedures for Biosecurity Ban all imports of poultry, poultry products from AI affected countries. These includes transiting fishing boats and vessels from AI infected countries. Increased inspections of conveyances entering from infected countries and fully enforced quarantine measures.
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Forms Available Avian Influenza Submission Form Sample Submission –Information Form
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Public Information Palau produced two leaflets: Avian Influenza or Bird flu general information, and Food Safety in connection with Avian Influenza
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Palau has in place: Pandemic Influenza Response Plan for the Republic of Palau, prepared by Health Dept. Pandemic Influenza Response Plan for poultry Executive Order # 236, Establishment of a National Avian Influenza (H5N1) Advisory and Coordination Team, signed by President
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Palau has in place cont. Declaration of National Quarantine Emergency, signed by President Activation of Inter-Island Quarantine Timetable and contacts of PAIRT members on 24 hrs. duty Avian Influenza 911 Protocol phone phone calls
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Testing the System Palau has sent blood samples to the Australian Lab for AI identification. Lesson learned was it took several weeks until results were available.
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Material needed A list for material needed to have in stockpiles was made by participants.
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop THANK YOU
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop SPC Regional Office for Micronesia The new SPC building in Pohnpei FSM was completed in August The building has a large reception area, 7 offices, a conference room and a laboratory. Presently there are 6 staff members occupying the building.
Pacific Heads of Veterinary & Animal Health Production (PHOVAPS) Meeting July 24-28,2006 Workshop Signing of Host Agreement The Host Agreement between FSM and SPC was signed on January 19, 2006 by the SPC DG Ms. Lourdes Pangelinan and the President of the Federated States of Micronesia, H.E. Joseph J. Urusemal.